Episode 17

I held her close savouring the scent of her
body. I kissed her forehead. She was still
smiling. Still waering just pant & bra. As i tried
kissing her lips. She said…not so fast sxy*.
Remember there are animals in the court. So
step back to ur former position. Wow! I love her
style i love what she just said. I asked her what
does she mean. She said boy wisen up. We v
got companies. Then i understood what she
meant. I kissed her lips slightly and went back
to my position. The animal are the other two
girls & the court is that room or sbhould i say
that environment. I went and sat back
triumphantly cos i can now say for sure that
this one is already down. But another problem
is where will i stay to bang her. Cos there is still
one other pumpkin that i still want to eat here.

Though i v not seen her since i came. I didnt
also want to ask so that i dont spoil my show
with S#xual greed. Did u hear that? S#xual
GREED. Lolzzz. So where will i stay and nyash
this okpeke? Well my bingo was really hardning
up. I dont blame the bingo sha. After all that
chika did to it and now another prospective
food is right before it. If i were it i will also jump
up & down. Becky told me to follow her to go
see her friend. So i followed her. All i know is
that if i no fvck her today, i must touch her
today. We left to see her friend.

Looking back to those years now. I can say that
something was fundermentaly wrong with me.

Cos the way i run after beautiful girls was really
devilsh. May be mary initiated me into an evil
union. To make the matter worst none of these
girls ever told me no. I always get what i
requested for sometimes even more. So we
went to her friend‘s place. This her friend
turned out to be a guy. When i saw the guy i
didnt feel bad cos there were two words that
never existed in my relationship dictionary, they
are “love“ & “jealosy.“ i v never told any girl
that i love her. I have never even pretended to
love anyone. I always make them know that it is
all about enjoying our body. Exploring the
hidden pleasure of our body. So no girl can ever
accuse me of deciet or lyn to her. I never also
felt bad wnytime i see any of my sakwashi with
another guy. Well all those are in the past now.
I am a changed person now. When we got to
her friend‘s house they were speaking ikwere of
which i can pick one out of 1000 words. I got
lost with the movie the guy was watching
before we came. The last don. Becky just told
the guy that am her brother‘s friend and i
shook the guy‘s hand. I didnt bother to know
who the guy is or is not. It is not important. I
only have one mission around here & that
mission is becky‘s pusssy. I lost interest in what
they say or do and focused fully on the movie.

But i discovered that the guy also came new to
nsukka to write post ume, just like becky. The
owner of the room is her elder sister who has
gone up school. Cos the room doesnt look like a
guy‘s room. Who cares anyway?

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