Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1
I opened my eyes to see myself in a room. It was blurry at first but bec@mÂŁ clearer. I saw mum sitting beside me with her head on the be-d for support.
“Mum” I called and she woke up
“Oh my God, Amora dear, thank God you’re awake” she said smiling
“How long have I be here?” I asked
“For over a month now” mum said “I’ll go get the doctor” she added and left then c@m£ back with a doctor who would be in her late twenties. She did a little check up on me and re-moved the almost finish drip.
“It’s a miracle that you’re recovering so fast miss amora” the doc said
“Thanks ms” I said
“Mrs Stones, plea-se get her something to eat,I’ll leave you guys now” she said and walk away.
“Thank God you’re alive, what happened to you. You went to Robert’s house but got into a accident and I’m surprised Robert hasn’t come to visit you since you got into an accident” mum said and that was when I remembered what happened. So Robert really cheated on me with m0@n a. I can’t really believe my own friend betrayed me.
“Mum it’s nothing. Robert travelled the day I went to his house. He got an urgent call from his father. Maybe that’s why he never c@m£” I lied. You don’t expect me to tell mum what happened. She’ll be so heartbroken and bittered. I don’t want to bother her with my problems anymore
“Let me go and get you food,I’ll be back” she said,k!$$£d my cheek and left.
My mum is just the best and I’ll make sure I do everything possible to be an artist(singer). Roger,Raymond and Robert will pay for what they did to me…
~A week later~
I sat on the couch crying out my eyes because of all the pains I’ve went throu-gh. Mum went out to get some few things from the grocery shop that’s why I’m just letting out all my emotions throu-gh this tears. I was Discharged yesterday and I’m not still that strong to start all these stressful jobs.
“There’s a competition coming up next week sponso-red by Mr Lucas Richmond. Its a competition where people with nice voice comes to show there talent. There are supposed to be 200 contestant in the competition but only 189 has come to registered for the competition. Its free to register and there are only going to be 10 winners who would be trained in the music world and then become great artist in the future. Hurry up now to Hudson’s Palace to register and collect the form. Its free” the television said
What! This is a golden opportunity for me to become a star. Oh my God,I never believe this type of thing is going on. But wait, the speaker said only 200 people are to perform and only 189 has registered. Oh my God it’s 11 people remaining to be selected. I have to hurry.
I quic-kly ran to my room to get dress. I wash my face because of my baggy eyes. I look at the mirror and saw that I was good to go before taking my purse and phone. I lock the door and Bord a cab to Hudson’s palace immediately.
God plea-se I pray the form doesn’t get finished before I get there. The cab st©pped and I jump out and pay the cab man then rush into Hudson’s palace. Wow this place is heaven on earth. It’s so beautiful and spacious. I was directed to the place where contestants are being registered and thank God just three people are there. I have to wait before it got to my turn.
“Your name miss” the attendant said
“Amora Stones” I replied and she typed in my details.
“Twenty-one” I said
She did some few things before handing over a form to me with smiles
“You’re lucky,this is the last form” she said
“Thank you” I said and collected the form like my life depends on it.
“Alright you can go home and start preparing for next week. Come on” she said
“Wow thank you” I said and went home happily
I can’t believe my luck. See what Roger,Raymond and Robert couldn’t do after slee-ping with me,i got it without stress. Well I promise to pay them back in their own coin by the time I’ve made it. Can’t wait to tell mum the good news.
“Good luck my dear” mum said and hvg me
“Thank you mum” I said and smiled.
Today is the last day of the competition and only 15 contestants are remaining of which I’m among. Of course I know how to sing very well so why won’t they choose me. I’m not boosting though but it’s my gift from heaven so I just have to boost of what I have at least.
“Bye mum I’m getting late alre-ady” I said
“Bye my child” mum said and I wave her goodbye before boarding I cab to Hudson’s palace.
I c@m£ down in front of my destination and I paid the cab man before heading inside the big hall throu-gh the back. Well I’m at the back of the stage. Everyone is alre-ady waiting for the competition to start. I was given another clothes to wear and a makeup artist did my makeover. When I look at the mirror, I couldn’t recognize myself.
The competition started and contestants were called upon. Well I was the last to perform so no worries. It got to my turn and I bec@mÂŁ so nervous because the people out there was too much. If I want to become a star, I just have to face crowds. I walk out to the stage and people started cl@pping. When there cl@ps died down, I started my song.
🎤We look out and see the world🎤
🎤It takes everything we have to face it 🎤
🎤Without a sound we take a step
🎤Inside our hearts are racing 🎤
{Download re-ady for everything by Landon Austin}
I sang with so much pas-sion and the hall was turned upsidedown by the time I st©pped singing. It took up to five minutes before everywhere was calm. We were all called upon and the judges said some few things to make the audience laugh.
It was time to start calling the winners and my mind wasn’t there anymore.
“Landon Gideon, Sophia Damon,……….and Amora Stones” the judge called my name. Oh my God I’m among the winners. I’ll become a star. My long time dream is here. I’m so grateful to God.
I’m now an upcoming star. Oh my God thank you.
Being a star,here I come…
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