Episode 5

Angie sat in front of a mirror na-ked. She stare deep into it. At her bulging eye sockets. At her penciled nose. Her munching lips. Her blanched skin. She took a lube out and pressed it on her palm and ran her hands with it over her hot bare body. Feeling the softness of her moist skin. She moved her hands down. To her stomache. Close to her womb. Feeling its stiffness. She moved her hands up. To her brea-st. She clutched it, letting her ti-ts float in her hand. She dreamnt of se-x. Whether she will react different with a real di-ck in her other than a protracted dil-do. For years, she had widened her enclosure with different sizes of strokes. It made her m0an and squirm but it never made her desire more. She wondered whether a real di-ck would make her desire for more.

During her university days, she observed a chaste relationship with a man called Solomon. He was a devoted christian as her. They never made S£x a priority of the relationship. There were times, they kissed, smooched and exercise foul play but she never allowed him penetrate her. She wanted to serve it specially on her marriage night. However when she graduated and was expecting he will propose to her, she received an invitation card. He married her Friend Simbi. She later realized, Simbi had been giving him what she starved him from —- a vapid hot S£x — front and back. Their wedding night, she cried till her eyes were swollen. The following day, she vowed never to love…

But things has started to change gradually. She may have loved and not loved back. But she desired a situation where both side would be equal. The door cracked. She heard a faint nudge and the rattling of door knob. She quickly covered her body with her towel. “Who’s that?” She shouted with her voice richocheted back. She stood and tied her towel properly. She moved towards the door. It appeared still, like it hasn’t been touched. “Who’s that?” She repeated. “Its me…” A male voice rose. “Who?” She asked, looking puzzled. “Gabriel…” She opened the door. Gabriel stood straight distanced from the door. He’s chest pumped out. There is a faint smile on his face. “Hi…” She acted like she don’t know the reason he was there. “Hey. You are not ready?”

He asked. “Oh. Yeah. Please come in.” She said and adjusted her towel. He entered. “Sit…” She said, pointing at a seat in the corner. He sat, she noticed he stared at her. He must have imagined her without the towel on. She took clothes off her closet. “Excuse me, let me get dressed…” She said, shyly and skidded to the bathroom.
She put on a black shimmer gown. Dust her wig and put it on. Put a light make up on. She walked out. “I’m ready,” She said.
Gabriel stood. His face brightened with fervor. “You look beautiful,” He said, with his whole tooth revealed. “Thank You,” She said. Both stare deep into their eyes.

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