Episode 1
The contest was approaching the climax. It had been a long and exerting journey for the contestants most especially for contestant 15. It was the number tag given the beautiful, tall and ebony Ewoma. She had entered the contest as an anonymous freshman and suddenly she had become as popular as Tu face, the musician. She felt vulnerable each time she had faced the audience but she was already cozying up to the privilege that comes with being popular. She was expectant of winning the contest and this made her nervous as the seconds went by. In the changing room, huddled with the four remaining opponents, she was completely focused on gleaning a little bit of inspiration from her whispering unconscious. She felt a figure walk past her and she raised her head just in time to see the smiling face of Edward. It was the same smile that had endeared him to her since meeting him on the eviction night.
That was the night when the contestants were pruned from hundred to twenty. Edward was Madam Tiko’s personal assistant. Madam Tiko owned the Original African lady brand that was organizing the Miss Biebi (black) beauty pageant.
Ewoma has always been referred to as a model even before she became a participant in the beauty pageant. Her lithe frame coupled with her swaying gait when she walks resembled that of models who strut the runaway at international fashion shows. She had just clocked nineteen at the time of her resumption at the University of Benin. She was not on campus for long when she started attracting the curious and admiring gaze of both male and female students alike. She was not fazed by the interest she got as she was already used to being the Centre of attention in every space she had covered.
Her personality was instrumental in her relationships with friends who came in their different shades and size as she grew into the academic culture of her new environment. Rita stood out among the friends she warmed up to. She was of an average height, stout and had a pretty face. Ewoma liked her because she exuded confidence and was quite intelligent. They started out as roommates before they became friends. The only thing that separated them was their course of study. Ewoma had been admitted to study Microbiology while Rita was a student of Accounting. They got on well despite their different interests.
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