Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 24

Location: Boston, USA

Nathan was slowly crawling out of his self imposed nichù resulting from the sudden demise of Michael. Founding his bracelet was a major contribution to this feat. He’d convinced Grace into giving it to him, the latter didn’t for a bit hesitate to succumb. The bracelet had been a magnet of inestimable value, she was now closer to him like never before; much to her delight! Nathan however haven’t tresspassed his ‘no ladies’ rule. Grace had her limits, she wasn’t allowed to throw him unannounced visit, crazy pranks or pestering behaviours. Her plan had gone pear shaped, she took consolation in the fact that she was the closest to his heart, sooner or later love would creep in. Patience was a virtue she was willing and ready to stake.

A towering silver reflective mirror was glued to the left wing of the bathroom, heavy ceremic tap basin was also fixed on the tiled wall. Nathan just finished shaving off the 5 o’clock shadow he’d acquired over the days. He felt his cheek with bare skin, it was a smooth as that of a toddler. The lad trimmed his fade-twist hair, dropped the electric clipper and stepped into a bath basin. Nathan rushed his bath like he was under the mercy of a time bomb. He’d missed a couple of lectures lately, he need to beat up before exam commences. He didn’t belong to the high-grade band wagon, getting low grades was out of his league too. He applied hair and body spray, wore a black leather jacket over a pink shirt and white chinos, locked the door and stormed out.

Nathan jogged stylishly past the sophisticated edifices, hailing very few number of students in the interim.

A backpack was bouncing slightly on his back. He stepped on the last of three steps leading to his destination hall. He landed on a human rather than the previously anticipated thin air.

The lady almost fell, he was in nick of time to wrap an arm round her waist. She was off balance, his strong arm was the only pivot she’s got. Papers, documents, cell phone, and an apple earpiece jingled in the air for considerable amount of jiffies before landing with shattering sounds. The duo’s weights were supported by Nathan’s right leg whilst the other leg dangled freely in the air.

A period as minute as three seconds was enough to send amazing feelings down their spines. Nathan stared right into her hazel eyes. Words can’t possibly describe how aweful the moment was for him. A mixture of strange but exciting feelings travelled through every cell of his body. The feelings finally materialised into butterflies tickling his stomach. His stomach churned in affirmation.

Nathan let her down delicately.

“sorry miss” the smiles on his lips were unquenchable. The lady smiled back. She stooped to pick the littered papers, her Gionee smart phone’ screen was broken, she needed no prophet to tell her the phone itself was damaged. On a normal day she’d rain obscenities at the blind racer, it was strange, really strange that her lips refused to part way for flow of words. Nathan joined in the paper picking contest. Waoh! He just appologised and is still picking her papers! Unbelievable! This definitely wasn’t the Nathan she used to know, or perhaps she’d been painting a wrong picture about him.

Nathan gave her the papers he’d arranged. “once again i’m sorry” that heart melting smile appeared on his face again! The young lady was drooling!!! She pinched herself back to reality. “accidents do happen” was the reply Letty could articulate, and of course it was accompanied by a depth- of- the- heart- smile

Nathan stood still, watching every step she took as she plied the hallway inwardly. Each sway of her massive hips left his head nodding in a silly way.

He regained compusure when she had completely escaped his focal point. Nathan smilf wryly. He checked his wrist watch 8:42AM! Damñ it! He was so very late. He doubled up to the lecture hall. Prof. Troy was already in the hall, doing what he knew best. Nathan was allowed entrance after the grey haired man muttered incoherent words. Nathan wasn’t listening, he didn’t care to listen! The 23 students capacity class was filled almost to its brim. The only available seat was at the back. He strolled to the seat. A lady was seating next to him, it was then he realised it was the lady he bumped into few minutes ago.

Leturah’s heart was racing faster than ferocious tornado, she was overwhelmed by a cloud of heat, a stratoshere of anxiety, the atmosphere complicated matters, it seem the particular section of the hall she was seating had been over heated. She rubbed her sweaty palms together. Why was he looking at her?
.he just did!
he repeated it again!
and again!! This time their gaze met, he smiled foolishly at her. She became shy all of a sudden. The shy lady swerved her head, pretending to be jotting down keypoints, hell know she didn’t pick anything from the words Mr. Troy poured. She kept getting tension vibes all through the lecture. It was a relieve professor failed to ask his usual ‘after-lecture’ questions she would have been the bane of jest!

Nathan tapped her gently, jolting her to reality. Her heart skipped. “take a number” he implored. Number? Whats going on? She was lost yes she knew her mind left the hall long ago but whats with the numbers like primary school kids. “number 2” Nathan helped, seeing she was lost. “two” she whispered, smiling uneasily. prof. Left the lecture hall, the hall transformed into a central market. Rants filled the air. Nathan took his backpack and walked out. “you’ar lucking girl” “wow i wish it was me” were the comments got while running after Nathan. The lad realised he was being followed, he halted.

“number two
 I don’t understand what that meant can you explain” she asked whilst panting.

Nathan grinned. ” you weren’t concentrating were you?” he asked as they walked down the hallway.

The university had a cancer centre it was their annual tradition to hold an art and profession exhibition in the centre. It was mandatory for all potentially graduating students to attend no matter their course of study. Its a way of practicalising what they’d learnt before taking it to the outside world. Prof. Troy divided his students in pairs, they however hadn’t know what role would be assigned to them. Nathan and Letty were a pair!

“ookaayy” letty nodded slowly after Nathan finished his explanation.

He winked at her and increased his pace, leaving her behind

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