Episode 1
This is my true life story.
My name is Lummy, a chartered accountant by profession. I was born into a family of three, Dad is a medical doctor; he’s saved my life countless times when I have crises (that’s usual for SS patients) while Mom is an educationist. I was born SS cos both my parents are AS. Could have been love or just plain ignorance. Though I’ve questioned why they went ahead 2get married and have me but such questions are best left unanswered. I’ve lived with stigma all my life. Friends will look @ me with one kind eye like say I go drop dead any minute but here I am 32 years after still going strong. I have will, strength, faith. I want to share with you my experiences so far as I can remember it…
My growing up years was kinda fun. I had school, an older brother (late now; died of a crises related illness cos he was SS too) to always run to when I get in trouble and I had supportive parents; always coming 2my aid when I need ’em. I got the best of education @ that time and I remained sheltered, no girls or girlfriend until after my service year, I fell so ill badly and the only thing I can think of was “Damn, I’m still a virgin @ 22” and there I promised myself that getting a girl was my ultimate mission. Its either that or I die a virgin. I recovered and started making contacts and along came Ify.
Ify is a ebony black ibo girl that has lived most her life in Lagos, she was just coming out of a bad breakup and in my own little way of talking and fooling around, helped her to heal. Ify decided to pay me a visit one day and she said she was gonna sleep over.
Deep down my mind I knew it was salvation and deliverance all rolled into one big piece.
My folks having given birth to 3 boys, have always given us free hand when it comes to girls. The house is free, u can bunk a girl in the house for weeks with no one disturbing u. That’s how we lived except say me I still be learner (thanks to my ailment).
Anyways, Ify came by as promised.
We talked, laughed, had a stroll around the area and came back to gist in the compound garden and then I threw her the bombshell ” ify, do u know that I’m still a virgin” “Noooooo” she exclaimed, “that can’t be true” she continued.
“Am so serious” I replied, smiling childishly with my red lips. “Hhmm, I’ll help u do something about it tonight” Mhen it was music to my ears.
I laughed and hugged her.
Her body was so soft and cool.
Never wanted to stop.
Fast forward….. It was 11:30pm. We retired inside and the romance started….
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