Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 7
Shilla met her friends as usual during the weekend and disclosed to them how Phillip was treating her like a queen without her knowing Phillip was only using her,
Phillip was very good at the game and therefore knew how to play his cards smartly.
He treated Shilla so well.
Shilla fell for his lies and accepted to marry him though Phillip had no intention of marrying her.
Four months down the road,
Shilla one Saturday evening decided to surprise Phillip in his house with a gift.
Smartly Phillip and Shilla were more than lovers and they did most things together so Shilla decided to give Phillip a surprise visit.
Along the way, Shilla’s car developed a fault.
She tried all she could to fix it but all to no avail.
She called Moses of Metro Auto Mechanic, the garage that always serviced her cars to informed them about her faulty car and her location.
The car was towed to the garage and since it was a few minutes to Six in the evening,
Moses told her, her car would be fixed on Monday which was the following week.
Shilla was cool with it because she trusted the garage. Also, she had an extra car at her home.
The garage manager promised to service the car and deliver it to her at her office on Monday afternoon.
Shilla then decided to pick a taxi to Phillip’s gate.
She dropped from the taxi after paying the driver.
Shilla knocked at the door and the gate man in the house opened the door.
Shilla entered after greeting him.
“how are you Mr?” Shilla asked the gateman.
“I am fair, only that madam. my pocket is dry small” the gateman said.
“you never cease to amaze me. I hope your master is in” Shilla said while putting her hand through her bag.
“Yes please.. Madam. But he has a visitor so he is around” the gateman disclosed.
Shilla handed to him two notes of the twenty thousand.
The gateman almost bowed to her. He was full of praise to her. He was all excited.
“My boss brings most of his office ladies here but you are the best. All of them are hardcores except you” he disclosed.
Shilla became a little alarmed but made sure the security guard didn’t see it.
” What do you mean my friend? …wait, am sure this is not the first time you are seeing me here, what did he tell you about me” Shilla asked with a smile.
Shilla created an atmosphere where the gateman won’t suspect she was making an investigation.
” Do you drink?” Shilla asked the gateman.
” Yes madam …I take” he replied.
Shilla opened the other bag she had and pulled out Four Cousins at gave it to the gateman as both smiled.
“Now tell me what he told you about me” Shilla re asked.
“Madam..he told me you are his personal secretary. He comes home with most of his work colleagues. Most of them are ladies” the gateman replied.
“yeah it’s true. I am his personal secretary. We are having a meeting in his house today so more people will join us later, that’s why am here to take minutes” Shilla lied to the gateman
She realised for the first time that Doctor Arnold was actually right about not trusting easily today’s men.
” my friend thank you so much for the information, that’s my number you can call me ” Shilla said.
” Madam thank you so much for the money” The gateman said.
Shilla left the gateman. She walked to the entrance of the main door to the sitting room.
Since the gateman was out of sight, Shilla stood there for a while.
Shilla thought hard about the information she was given by the Gateman.
Two ideas ran through her mind. The first idea was to ran into the room and blurt out at him.
The second was to steal herself into the room and see what was going on.
Shilla might probably be wrong in her thinking.
She decided to go with the second idea.
Shilla opened the door slowly and carefully entered to the sitting room.
There was nobody in the sitting room, Shilla’s blood pressure raised, the breath wasn’t normal as usual.
Shilla checked other places like kitchen and bathroom but there was nobody there.
She decided to go upstairs to check the bedrooms.
” oooh!!! Oooh please…!!! Oooh baby” Shilla heard a moan hit her ears from one of the rooms when she got to the first floor.
Fear gripped her innermost being. Shilla realized she had been used.
She tiptoed to the door to the room where the moan came from.
Shilla turned the knob slowly and to her luck, the door opened. It wasn’t locked.
The scene that hit Shilla’s eyes was an eye sour, she couldn’t believe.
Phillip was on top of a lady and banging the hell out of her.
The lady was enjoying every minute of the t—-t and was moaning very loud, they took time to realize.
They were in a different world and didn’t even notice there was an intruder (Shilla) in the room.
They kept enjoying themselves
“Hey heiii Cheeiii Phillip!” Shilla screamed the name in tears.
Phillip turned and was very surprised to see Shilla in the room he jumped down from the bed. His manhood was still hard and pointing at Shilla now.
The ” Ebore couldn’t go down “.
He glared at her angrily. Shilla saw a flame of anger in his eyes but ignored it.
“Nice, so Phillip this is you? this is what you have been doing, this is what you are good at? You have been lying to me all this while” Shilla said amidst tears.
The other lady covered her nakedness with the bedspread and stared at them looking very confused, she was all speechless.
” Shilla, not that…but this is a devil, infact a group of devils in me, this is Satan” Phillip said.
” oooh that’s good… I heard you say Satan? So this is church you are in, so you been doing worship and praise” Shilla laughed off.
“just shut the hell up! Why must you intrude on my privacy.
Don’t you have manners? Just get the hell out of here before I do something nasty to you Shilla” Phillip said angrily.
“honey, just look at this lady. She says I should marry her so I can take charge of all her father’s wealth. I told her I’m not interested but she keeps disturbing me. I don’t know why my gateman gave her the opportunity to enter to my house” Phillip said to the lady on the bed.
The lady stood up and cleared her throat.
“so of all the men in the world, you couldn’t see any of them aside my man right?
Interesting. Some ladies are not ashamed at all” the lady said to Shilla.
“Eeeiiii Phillip, is that what… ” tears chocked Shilla.
“you don’t even know what to say. Such a shameless lady. Sweet heart Phillip, try and give her a good f**k. I think that is what she needs” the lady said and went back to the bed rolling her big butt for Shilla to see.
“let her join us on the bed so we can have a threesome. I don’t care sharing my man with a lady who needs help” the lady said as she was now opening her legs.
” Thank you…I didn’t know this is the kind of world we live in” Shilla cried out as she ran out of the room.
Phillip joined the lady on the bed.
Shilla cleaned her tears and made sure the gateman won’t know she had been crying.
Shilla felt so ashamed for throwing herself to the young man.
Phillip’s words hurt her deeply and more.
Those were words she never expected from the such a man she truly loved.
Phillip was so caring, loving, gentle and everything.
Shilla put her emotions in check before getting to the gateman.
” madam why are you leaving so soon?” the gateman asked.
” sorry there’s some emergency so am needed to attend ” Shilla replied as she lied the gateman.
The gateman opened for her and Shilla hurriedly got out of the house to avoid more questions from the gateman.
She picked a taxi and directed the driver to where she was going.
Shilla was dropped in front of her gate and knocked.
She was opened and her gateman was surprised she came home without her car.
” Madam…Shilla sorry today you are not driving, is there any problem? ” Shilla’s gateman asked.
Shilla disclosed to him that the car was faulty and it was at the garage.
Shilla rushed to her room and locked herself up.
She laid on the bed and her eyes gave way to the tears she had held on to.
She felt used and disgraced. Life was never the same.
The long time dream of happiness changed to tears.
Shilla got her phone and called Dorah to disclosed to her what Phillip had done.
” hello… Its Elena the husband talking, Dorah is taking a bath, so call her back in 15mins time.
After 15mins Shilla called back again,
Dorah was very surprised.
Dorah knew Phillip very well. He was a good man and couldn’t believe what her friend Shilla was talking.
Dorah drove to Shilla’s house.
Dorah entered Shilla’s bedroom to see her lying on her bed in tears.
The sight really pricked her heart. Dorah knew Shilla would have all the reasons to blame her,
Shilla lifted Dorah’s head, sat down on the bed and Shilla put her head on the laps of her friend Dorah.
stared at her for sometime without uttering a word.
Dorah just couldn’t believe what Shilla told her on the phone. She couldn’t believe and imagine the kind of pain and betrayal Shilla was going through.
Dorah had known Phillip for more than three years since she got married to her husband Elena.
Phillip had not showed any bad behavior in any way. Her husband Elena always spoke well about Phillip…………………….
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