Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 14
Doctor Aaron drove to a cool joint they could sit, relax, have fun and talk.
they drove to Tomato in Bugolobi, a beautiful hangout,
Doctor Aaron introduced his friend to Shilla as Michael and also disclosed to her, his intentions to marry her.
He told her how ready he was to take her to show his parent’s. The young man spoke in his usual calm manner.
Dr Shilla pleaded with him to give her a little time to know him better.
Aaron had no problem with that.
He agreed to what she said but he boiled deep within.
Aaron was in a rush to get a wife because there was going to be a promotion at his hospital and looking at the criteria of the promotion, a doctor needs to have a wife before being promoted to a higher office.
His parent’s as well were on his nerves to get a wife. So he felt there was a need to get it at all cost not because he himself needed it and he had everything needed to marry.
” Shilla you don’t know, how I wish Angel Gabriel could come down and show you how good Aaron is” Michael pleaded.
The manner in which Michael spoke made Shilla laugh.
He spoke and did everything like a lady, his voice couldn’t make Shilla hold laughter.
” I have a feeling you are Angel Gabriel ” Shilla replied as she laughed off.
She saw it as normal life and therefore didn’t have anything attached, Being a doctor, Shilla knew a guy could be born with female hormones.
Same way a lady could be born with male hormones, Michael’s behavior was not strange to her.
Michael boiled within with anger inside and jealousy seeing how beautiful Shilla was.
Dr Aaron was his gay partner.
Aaron had explained everything to him, the need to get a wife and has assured Michael his marriage would never be a barrier to their relationship but Michael felt Shilla would surely get Aaron’s full attention with time and their gay relationship would be dead.
Michael was not happy with his partner’s decision though he himself knew there was a need for Aaron to marry if not for the promotion, for his nagging parent’s.
After all the anger and frustration that Michael saw ahead of time,
he encouraged himself with the fact that if Aaron marry and the lady becomes a hindrance to their gay relationship,
he won’t hesitate to kill Shilla and end her life.
Micheal couldn’t stand seeing someone take Aaron the love of his life, his happiness.
Michael and Dr Aaron started dating when they were freshmen in Makerere University and had held on to the gay relationship, and it was now 8yrs.
He would do anything to maintain their gay relationship
They talked and talked and Dr Aaron dropped Shilla at her door step.
” Aaron thnx for the wonderful treat.” Shilla appreciated.
She as well thanked Michael for his advice and disclosed to him that he really liked him because of how he behaved like a lady.
They all laughed and little did Shilla know Michael is a gay partner to Dr Aaron.
” safe journey home” Shilla said and they drove out of her area.
Dr Aaron noticed Michael’s unhappiness.
He parked the car along the way where it was a bit dark.
” Michael what is the problem? Look at your face! I assured you that no woman is going to separate us ” Dr Aaron said to console Michael.
Michael tried to complain but before he could open his mouth, Dr Aaron had already grabbed and kissed him and they got naughty…( Cheeei hell here)
Shilla took a shower and picked a book authored by David Elena, Shilla continued reading ‘THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW’ a story about a preachers Kid that did nasty things in darkness no one had idea about.
Shilla realised her focus was not on the book she was reading.
Her attention was on Dr Aaron.
Shilla was surprised at herself because it looks like the young man was ready to marry her but she wasn’t giving in.
In less than a few minutes, Shilla’s phone beeped.
Her smile widened because she knew it was a messages from Dr Aaron replying what she sent to him.
” Shilla I really thank and appreciate you so much for the beautiful time spent together, only my face could show, and also for accepting to marry me, I see you as my wife now, woman of my life” Dr Aaron’s message read.
He promised to make her the happiest woman in the world.
Shilla felt so happy.
She thought of the past and felt sorry for herself for not meeting Aaron earlier.
Shilla called her friend Norah to tell her the good news.
She appreciated her for linking her to the right guy.
” you are welcome but Shilla slow down things and see how Aaron will behave, I don’t want you to hurry and crush ” Norah said.
Shilla slept soundly after the call.
The following day was a pretty day for her. She woke up with renewed strength.
Shilla showered and prepared for Moses.
The driver drove in when Shilla was busily reading a book.
The suspense in the story made her feel unhappy when she heard her car’s horn outside the compound.
Shilla had wanted to finished the book before going to work but the driver as usual was earlier.
She folded a leaf in the chapter she had gotten to and dropped it in one of the sofa’s.
She picked her bag and joined moses in the car.
” Madam Shilla good morning… I just love the face you are putting on today, smiles everywhere, what has made you happy this early” Moses joked.
The driver had wanted to tell Shilla plainly that what she went through in the past wasn’t right but kept it to himself because of the fear of losing his job.
He had wanted to advise her to be careful with the so called Dr Aaron guy but he felt his advise would fall on deaf ears.
His madam was interested in only men with what she termed as ‘good professions’ and nothing he a common driver could say would make her change her mentality.
In fact, the driver felt angry within himself because of how his madam saw some professions as useless and some as good.
For the first time in so many months that he started working with Shilla he prayed that the relationship between her and Aaron would go wrong.
Moses in his heart actually prayed to God that no good guy must come to her until she changed her mentality about some professions.
There was total silence in the car, Shilla’s past utterances annoyed Moses.
Shilla kept smiling while the driver focused on the road. In his mind, there was a serious warfare against the lady he was working for.
A few minutes to the hospital, Shilla asked ” Moses I don’t know if its OK with you, i need us to go Ntinda over the weekend”
The driver was off duty during weekends.
” its OK no problem ” Moses replied.
Moses suspected that his madam was going to Aaron’s place though she said nothing about why and what they were going to do.
Shilla dropped when the driver parked at the hospital’s car park.
She rushed into the hospital with smiles. She was eager to disclose to doctor Arnold that she had accepted Aaron’s proposal and the young man had promised to take her to see his parent’s soon.
Doctor Arnold wasn’t in when she entered his office. She felt a bit disappointed and went to her own office.
A few minutes later, doctor Arnold came to Shilla’s office.
” i hope am not intruding on your privacy.” Dr Arnold said.
The smile that greeted him from Shilla’s face told him there was no problem at all.
Arnold entered fully.
” Arnold sit down, I have good news for you” Shilla said.
Doctor Arnold sat opposite Shilla’s chair looking curious.
“what could this good news be, Don’t tell me you have bought for me a new car as a gift” doctor Arnold joked.
“not so fast man, relax. How is your wife and my little boyfriend? ” Shilla inquired. having a broad smile across her cheeks.
“my wife is stronger than I am. As for my little boy, I mean your so called boyfriend is becoming stubborn every minute” Dr Arnold replied.
“oooh Arnold stop kidding. How can a seven year old boy be stubborn. I’m sure he is displaying the character of his father when he was young” Shilla joked too.
“and who said I was stubborn at that tender age? My father always tell me how tender and loving I was at that age” Arnold said looking at her and ready to hear the breaking news again.
“please don’t come and beat me up in my office. Change that look on your face” Shilla said and they both laughed.
” This doctor guy called Arnold wants to marry me ” Shilla said.
Arnold pretended to be happy for her. He knew how things would go if he should advise her on the matter again.
” oooh that’s nice and beautiful to hear, am happy of you” Dr Arnold said.
Shilla realised her colleague didn’t really want to talk about her new guy.
” Shilla’s mind was made up and nothing could change it. There was no way she would go in for a mechanic, a driver, a factory worker, a builder ” Arnold thought
That would be in her wildest worst dreams….
Shilla went to her duty with smiles.
It was a perfect day for her.
Doctor Arnold played along. He didn’t want to be an enemy of progress to Shilla.
The young lady’s mind was like a stagnant water. It neither went forward or backwards.
The day ended well as was expected.
Moses drove his boss home.
During the weekend, Shilla fulfilled her promise to Gift,. She attended the birthday party.
Shilla upon getting to the home of the little girl, was amazed and thrilled at the same time.
The setup and decorations was perfect.
One could think it was a wedding reception but it was Gift’s birthday party.
Gift and her father rushed to welcome Shilla immediately her car entered the house.
Gift hugged Shilla when she got down from her car.
Moses remained in the car but Shilla told him to get down and join the party.
” Aunt Shilla is that man your husband? Is he also the Security officer like my dad, because my mum is a doctor like you and Aunt Shilla where is your daughter? You don’t want to bring them to my party? See Aunt I would be playing with the now ” Gift asked Shilla who couldn’t reply the heart felt questions.
” Madam you haven’t introduced him” Gift’s dad asked too.
” He’s uncle Moses and he’s my driver.” Shilla replied.
“Good one there. You finally headed to my advise. At first i thought he was your husband, he’s very organized and humble, Moses feel at home, As I promised you Doctor Shilla, I am putting him on my pay list. I don’t know how much he requested as his salary though, I will give him One million Ugx” Gift’s father said as he laughed.
Moses heard everything and was amazed.
He wondered what Shilla had done for that family since he was new.
Moses even thought maybe those were Shilla’s parents.
“must you worry your head over me?” Shilla asked.
“Yes! Yes and yes again! You saved my only daughter and child. You and your colleagues don’t want to accept my offer to take you to Dubai for shopping. You always have an excuse. You don’t have to reject this offer. In fact, you have no say or option. Your driver’s salary is on me” Gift’s father said to her.
It was loud and clear in the ears of Moses.
Shilla turned to Moses and saw a broad smile across his cheeks.
Shilla shook her head in amazement and said
“Moses, I guess you heard everything. Your salary has shot up to one million ugx within few days of your appointment.
I won’t hesitate to sack you if you mess up with me” they all laughed.
Gift’s father led them to a table but Gift pleaded with Shilla to join her at the high table.
She had no option than to accept to the little girl’s request.
She joined her.
Moses joined some guys at a table to join the fun.
He was amazed to know the party was for the seven year old girl.
Food and drinks was in excess.
There were so many meat joints, pork was enough.
There was bush meat, fish, Ice cream and many more.
Shilla pictured the event in her mind.
Especially the pink and white decorations.
Shilla wanted the same thing on her wedding day.
When the party was over, Shilla gave Gift a big present.
The little girl unwrapped the parcel in front of Shilla.
It was a beautiful white and pink teddy bear.
” of all the gifts, for Aunt Shilla she had the best.
Shilla hugged Gift for appreciating her gift.
Gift almost shed tears when Shilla entered her car.
Shilla promised to take Gift to her house to have fun whenever she was less busy.
Gift felt happy with the news.
Moses drove out of the house.
On their way back to Shilla’s house,
Shilla disclosed to the driver that the decoration was perfect and would want the place for her wedding reception to have the same decorations.
The driver focused on the road.
He pretended to have heard nothing.
Shilla was dropped in the house and Moses drove out of the house with the orders of his madam.
Few days later, Moses got to know doctor Aaron through his madam.
Though Moses liked the young doctor when they met, there was something about him he felt wasn’t good.
Moses felt the young man Aaron had something under his sleeves that would hurt his madam in the near future but her mind was made up on love and profession and nothing could change it.
Moses had to sit back and watch his madam suffer and learn her lessons the hard way………………………………………….
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