Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 10
I was very busy with work here and it is really hectic,I doubt if I would go home at the time I told Mia.
Speaking of Mia, I haven’t called her this evening, she called me earlier but I couldn’t pick up her call cause I was in a meeting.
I picked up my phone about to call her when my mom call came in.
Good evening mom I greeted.
What is good about the evening she asked in a teary tone.
What is it mom,what happened, are you okay? I asked worriedly.
I am not okay Aziel,being okay is far from me,a lot has happened, I have never felt insulted like this she said crying.
Mom,who is the person, who insulted you I asked.
Am sure you won’t believe me if I should tell you who it is she replied.
Just tell me mom and stop keeping me in suspense
I said curiously.
“Your wife Mia insulted me,she indirectly called me a liar,she said I am shedding crocodile tears she said.
Common mom,you and I know Mia can’t do that I said.
am going to send you an audio recording now she said and hang up.
My phone beeped and a voice note from my mom came in,I played it to listen to what it is,I opened my mouth in surprise that Mia could say all this to my mom.
‘My mom is really trouble some but she is not daft,she knows what she is doing, she can’t just accuse Mia of not cooking ‘ I thought.
” Are you okay sir?”my secretary asked coming in.
“Yes am fine” I replied without looking at her.
“Are you sure sir,you looked worried about something” she said.
“Thanks,am fine,you can leave now” I snapped.
In anger and disappointment, I dialed Mia’s number which she picked on the last ring.
Hi love,how is work? she asked in a sleepy tone.
Don’t ask me stupid questions Ayomikun I snapped.
Are you okay? she asked sounding confused.
Don’t play dumb with me okay,what right do you have to talk to my mom that way? I asked.
I still don’t get you she asked sounding angry.
My mom might be troublesome but you still have no right to talk to her anyhow, I want you to apologize to her as soon as I end this call I said authoritatively.
Am sorry,I can’t apologize cause I did nothing wrong,I need to take a nap. she said and hang up.
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