Episode 1

I was naive as a kid,just a shy nerdy kid. sx was foreign to me and i neva really found out about it till i was almost 19. Whenever my friends talked about their sx escapades as
teens, i would listen with keen interest,basking
in the euphoria of the tale. It was as if i was
living vicariously through their steamy stories.

I rememba John’s stories d most,he was
confident and had many older brothers. We
looked up to him,although we were mates.

Talking to girls was easy for him,and he had
them around him always. I can recall vividly
how he told us about having s*x in the school
toilet with a girl named Clara. I felt hurt and
intrigued at the same time because she was my
ultimate crush,and we were just 14. I could not
grasp it,how she could do something like that .

Whenever i saw her walk by,the concocted
image of John and her,writhing in S#xual
ecstasy,would form in my head,and i would
immediately avert my eyes,so as not to give
away my emotions. Nevertheless i still enjoyed
the stories,they were the highlights of my s*x
life as a teen. I went thru secondary school
without even kissing a girl. My fantasies were
filled with them,hmmmm,girls,i knew when
given the chance,i would take it with both
hands. And that opportunity came,yes it
came,with a bang,and i am forever glad that i
was untainted,ready and willing.

I met Stephanie when i was in 200level in the
university. The second semester had just
begun,i was at the bank to pay my school
fees,as was alot of the oda students. I saw her
standing near the queue, about 5 pple stood
btw us. She wasnt beautiful,at least not in the
sense that you and i understand. She was
tall,dark and glamourous. Her slight hips
protuded behind her,complementing her
succulent firm b0s0ms. She had this dreamy
look abt her,confident but sxy*,independent
but whimsical. Her inviting lips were doused
with a touch of glossy wet lips. Kiss me till u die
was literarilly written all over her. God!,i was
lost, i stood there looking at her,gaping,wishing.

I still rememba every single detail about that
day. The sun was shining brightly,but it wasnt
hot,a gentle breeze was caressing my face.

Her dark skin glowed in the sun. I glanced around
and noticed alot of guys eyes were fixed on her
. I heard a guy talking behind me,he was telling
his friend, “oboy u dey see that bird so ?! “,” i
must cage am!”. My heart was beating fast,i
stood no chance,there were better guys
here,that would get this girl.That moment I
wished she would say something,i wanted to
hear her voice,so i’l carry it to my dreams,were
i’d cherish it for eternity.

I got tired of standing,so i sat on the lush,well
trimmed grass,near the bank building. Heaven
smiled down on me. About 10 minutes later she
came n sat near me,i guess she was fed up
standing too. I almost screamed with joy,it took
alot of self restrain for me not to have shouted.

She said sumtin,i didnt hear at first,ofcourse i
was still in disbelief,how cud i hv been so
lucky ?. “Are u here to pay ur fees ?”,she askd
again,this time i promptly replied affirmatively.

“This system is so stressful,i cant believe we’ve
been here over 2 hours”,”i feel so tired n worn
out”. I wanted to tell her she still looked
gorgeous, and that would hv sounded corny.

To this day,i cant still understand why she spoke
to me. All i could say was sorry,it’l soon be over.

She just looked at me,blinked her eyes and
sighed. She stood up,turned to me n said tanx.

I was confused . My eyes trailed her as she
walked away,a fading dream,now i was back to

I finished my bank stuffs n headed out d
banking hall,i had almost forgotten abt
her,when i saw her again.This must be fate.

This time i walked over to her,in my heart i
prayed she still remembered me. “hi”, “hey
you” she replied. “Guess your done ?” i
answered yea. We chit chatted a bit,she said
she would come bk d next day to finish up,as
she had something to do now. I offered to come
keep her company the nxt day,to my surprise
she agreed . She asked for my phone,punched
in her numbers and left. It felt so surreal,i
couldnt believe it,even when i got bk home and
told my friends,they too didnt believe it.
Obviously she was older than me,i guessed
maybe abt 5 or 6 years. I was almost 19 and
she looked mid mid 20s. I waited till the next
day to call her,if she gave me a wrong number,i
wouldnt sweat it,i was contented already,and
never thought things could progress this far.

At the second ring she picked up,time paused,i
was silent,i tried to talk,no words came out,it
was her voice,it was unmistakeable. It was soft
and serene,music to my ears. I hung up,trying
hard to catch my breath. She called back
immediately,i picked and mumbled something
inaudible. She knew it was me. “Are you still
coming?”, ” ofcourse” i retorted. “ok see u in a
bit”. She dropped the call.

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