Episode 3

I opened the door and there he was, looking all cute and handsome. I couldn’t help but stare at this wonderful creature God had brought to me.

Tobe: Queency?

I came out from my trance and ushered him in.

Tobe: Why were you staring so hard like you’ve not seen me before?

Me: Forgive me. I’m sorry.

Tobe: Anyways, looks like you’re just stepping out from the shower.

Me: Yes. I just did. Give me a second so I can put something on.

Tobe: I don’t really feel like going out. Let me rush to the mall and get us something to be busy with.

Me: That will be nice.

Tobe: And better be dressed before I return so you won’t push me into committing the sins of the flesh.

I smiled and he stepped out. I bolted the door and started scanning through my wardrobe for what to wear. I finally settled for a crop singlet and a jean short. I was about going to put on my gen when my phone rang. It was Flord. He is a friend to Charles, Franca’s boyfriend.

Me: Hello Flord.

Flord: Hi beautiful. How’re you?

Me: I’m fine.

Flord: Do you have an idea if Charles is with Franca?

Me: Nope. She went to Holy Ghost.

Flord: Alright. He’s not taking my calls same with Franca. If you reach them before me, tell them its important that I speak to both of them.

Me; You can drop the message with me. You sound so urgent.

Flord: Tell Franca that…… never mind.

Me: Flord?

Flord: I’ll still call you. Take care.

That was strange. Something must be happening and I pray it’s not bad.

I stepped out of the room and walked to the gen house, thinking deeply about what’s been happening around me today. First, it was two mad girls coming to my room to talk trash and then Flord. I finished my business in the gen house and walked back to my block only to see that Tobe was already back. We went into the room together with the bags.

Me: Tobe?

Tobe: Yes my love.

Me: Are we dating?

He looked up from the bag with a smile.

Tobe: You haven’t said yes just yet.

Me: Because you’ve not asked. You’ve not.

Tobe: Because you’ve not given me a chance to do that. I told you the other day that I’m falling in love with you and you acted like you saw a ghost. If I ask you out then, I’m sure you’ll pass out.

He laughed at his own joke and I fell for him the more.

Tobe: Now I’m serious. I don’t know what you’re thinking but you’re my girlfriend now. Do you have any objections?

Me: Two girls were here just before you came in the first time.

Tobe: How does that come in line to what I asked you?

Me: They asked me to stay away from you that you belong to someone else.

He scoffed and started laughing, clapping his hands and throwing his head backwards.
I looked on in shock, amazed at the reaction I was getting.

Tobe: And what did you tell them?

Me: What could I say?

Tobe: Wait! You mean, they said I belong to another and not one of them? Girls can be stupid.

He stood up and came to where I was sitting

Tobe: My love. ESUT is a complicated place, including the human beings in it. Don’t listen to anyone of them. I belong to you and only you okay?

I nodded and he pecked me.

Tobe: I bought Scrabble. Let’s play.

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