Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1
. A young boy of around 13years of age was seen walking on a road alone when a cat eyes meet up with him, he was not afraid of the dark, this was not his first time he was seen on the road walking alone, a meow sound from the cat makes him to stopped from going further.
. George: What’s it cat?
. Cat: Meow meow meow came from the cat again.
. George: Just leave me alone if you can’t tell me what is wrong.
. The cat who stood up as it change to an unknown creature.
. George: Who are you?
. Cat: Am a demon
. George: Demon of what?
. Cat: Just an ordinary demon.
. George: Demon, i was about to passed before you interrupted so can you excuse me?
. Cat: Alright I’ll but first i want your blood.
. With a twinkle of an eye, the demon grab the boy as he wanted to bite the boy, a great force pushed him away as he start burning.
. Cat: Who are you?
. Am George the cursed child.
. George wake up from a deep sleep as he breathe in new air, the traveling was very nice, his parents had already informed him about their new job, George is very stubborn and honest child, he’s the only child of Mr. Barry Best family, his mother Mrs Alice is a journalist while his father is a cop (detective), as George who was just an ordinary boy, people doesn’t not loves him including his parents because of his stubbornness, he’s very troublesome, children’s fear him even adult’s fear him because of how his life is.
. Shouting with a loud voice was Mrs Alice.
. Mrs Alice: George, George wake it’s morning.
. George rubs his eyes as he wake up, opening his eyes was his parents standing.
. George: Morning Dad, morning Mom!
. Mrs Alice: Son, go and freshen up
. George: What happened why are you guys in haste?
. Mr Barry: George you’re proving stubborn again, do quick am enrolling you in new school.
. George: What’s the name dad?
. Mr Barry: Kenxo High School; any problem with that?
. George: Yes; I prefer my old school.
. Mr Alice: Don’t give us that trash, just get yourself prepared and meet us downstairs.
. Mrs Alice walks out from his son room as she bang the door so hard.
. Mr Alice: Your son is increasing his stubbornness per day
. Mr Barry: Eh honey, not my son but our son, if not because of my face he had, i will have asked you if am really the father of that thing
. Mrs Alice: Whatever, am running late for work, see you soon love and get more of your men’s on that boy, he can really destroyed thing.
. Mr Barry: I will honey, be careful
. Mrs Alice kisses her husband as she picks up her bag as she hurried out of the house, a sound was heard outside which shows that her car was off the lane, soon enough, George walks down with his backpack.
. Mr Barry: Are you not hungry son?
. George: Yes am not hungry but am really upset with both of you
. Mr Barry: Am doing this for your own good
. George: You don’t dad because you don’t get to know what i loves most!
. Mr Barry: You can cope here and makes some real friends and not the bad ones in California.
. George: Arrg, I hate this f—–g conservation, screw you and everything here dad, am inside the car waiting for you.
. George walks out of the house and makes sure he bang all the door so hard.
. Mr Barry: George for Christ’s sake stop banging those doors.
. (How is the story? Should i continued)
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