Episode 20

My dad’s death threw my family into a new era of hardship which my mum couldn’t cope with.

My dad’s relations hovered in like hungry vultures and took away the few assets my dad left behind.

They claimed my male siblings were too young to take care of my dad’s properties so they came to help.

Things became very difficult for my mum to the extent that paying my school fees became a huge burden for her.

All these increased my desperation and determination to make it via my Runz girl business.

The first thing I did when I got back to my hostel after my dad’s funeral rites was to visit the babalawo.

“Your stubbornness killed your dad,” the babalawo said as soon as he saw me. “If you don’t appease the spirits within the next four market days, you’ll see what will happen to you.”

“So it was you who killed my father?” I asked the babalawo feeling very angry and terrified at the same time.

“Your mother will soon join him,” the babalawo retorted unmoved by my outburst. “You must do all those things I asked you to do within the next four market days and appease the spirits whose shrine you desecrated. Then you decide whether or not you wish to repeat the ritual for the ‘Do As I Say Power’ you initially requested for.”

I stood up and left the babalawo’s shrine immediately.

I rallied around for money and was able to gather a hundred and fifty thousand with which I cleared the babalawo’s demands. Then I went back to my hostel to decide whether or not to go ahead with the DO AS I SAY POWER. That aspect of drinking the sp€rms of three different men mixed together in one small bowl was the most difficult aspect of the ritual which I wasn’t sure I could go through with. And then vomiting again for the second time in the shrine meant going through that desecration process again which I wasn’t ready for. After going through all these in my mind, I decided to let the “DO AS I SAY POWER” be for the time being till I was ready to cope with the requirements of the ritual

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