Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 14
The hardest part was acting naturally at home, being the same old nerd he had been “BB”-before betrayal. “I had an idea,” he said one evening before his appointment to fuck the insatiable but obnoxious Marge. “Since we’re going to be one big happy family, I thought we ought to have some investments…you know…as a group.” He had to be careful not to acknowledge the glances the women had given each other almost mocking him. “This idea should bring us almost fifty million dollars in less than a year’s time. I want to start an investment firm with the four of us as principals. What do you say? Want in? I’ll do all the work. All you have to do is get rich.”
Ryan knew their greed would get the best of them. “Yeah!” they all yelled, dollar signs in their eyes.
‘OK, great, I’ll get the necessary paperwork put together for you to sign. The hook was in the water, now all he had to do was set it.
Ryan set up an office in the nearby city and advertised in financial publications. The ads offered an investment in a privately held hedge fund with double digit return in less than six months and almost guaranteed income.
It took less than a month for the first checks to come in. He deposited them using signature stamps- Marge Stanton, Sara Stanton, and Morgan Stanton. He never used his own signature. After a month he started sending out checks- interest and principal-again with two signatures-Marge Stanton, Treasurer, and Sara Stanton, Vice President, or Morgan Stanton, President. They were overjoyed with their “official titles,” and were even more overjoyed with the checks that he brought home for them-$100,000 each the first month: $200,000 or more each succeeding month. This went on for six months until he was tipped off. The SEC was looking into the company’s affairs- amazing how a $100,000 bribe to a well placed clerk in the SEC’s Washington office could pay off. The SEC was closing in on his Ponzi scheme. It was time to disappear. Ryan had already moved virtually all his funds offshore to the Cayman Islands. He had also wiped the office clean of his fingerprints and deposited quite a number of his “lovers” prints, taken from glasses or dishes with tape and transferred to desks, computers, even the bathroom.
Only one thing left to do-one final fuck with Morgan.
Morgan was really bulging and she was reluctant to have sex, but that wasn’t stopping Ryan tonight. He’d fuck her from behind before fucking her ass. He began tenderly, kissing her lips and neck, moving her fingers down to his cock. There’d been no sex for almost a month so his attentions were well received-she just didn’t want to fuck him. He rubbed her pussy making her wet. They were standing in the bedroom so she was unconcerned when he shifted around behind her ostensibly to nuzzle her neck. Suddenly, he pushed her against her bureau, bending her over. He was in her Just as quickly. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Just taking my due, my dear, I’ve been remiss recently-all my responsibilities at work, I guess. He was giving it to her hard and fast, taking out all his pent up frustrations and anger in one special moment. “I’m sorry, dear, I just got carried away” He withdrew and wiped his wet cock on her robe, but he did not let her up. He moved now to her ass, ramming his dry cock into her dry ass, causing her intense pain. He knew he had hurt her, but he would have to do this a thousand times before he could come close to equaling the pain he had received. She screamed as the pain ripped through her but he kept up his pace until he felt his balls churn. Then he pulled out, spun her around, and forced his exploding cock into her mouth. Cum dripped from her mouth onto her chest and swollen stomach.
“Are you crazy?” she screamed as she finally was able to stand up. “Have you noticed I’m almost ready to deliver? You hurt me you asshole.”
Ryanı smirked internally before saying,” I just wanted to give you something to remember me by. I’m going fishing.” He walked calmly out the door, out of the house, and down the dock to the thirty-footer. He started it up and headed to the inlet and the ocean. He had secretly hidden a small inflatable with a five horsepower engine aboard last weekend while the women were out shopping. They never went near the boat, there was no danger of it being discovered. When he was about five miles from shore, he loosened the nut holding one of the fuel lines, set the timer, inflated the small boat and left. Thirty minutes later there was a horrific explosion. The Coast Guard was only able to retrieve a wallet and driver’s license from the wreckage; the boat had burned to the waterline, the outboards sinking in the deep water. The official report surmised that Ryan had been fixing a leak in the gas tank when it ignited, destroying him along with the boat. In truth, Ryan had motored on the calm seas to a nearby resort, leaving the inflatable at the water’s edge, believing correctly that some kids would come along and take it for a joyride. Walking to the front of the resort he was able to take a taxi to a nearby shopping center. He had placed all his valuables in a used car he had purchased using his new identity. He drove to the airport, caught a flight to Atlanta, connecting to Mexico City, connecting to Rio.
Feigning shock at the news, the women were, in reality, thrilled to hear of Ryan’s demise. All his hundreds of millions would be theirs. They were quite startled to learn that the accounts held only a little under fifty thousand dollars. They were even more surprised when U.S. Marshals appeared at their door with arrest warrants for the three of them-securities fraud, grand theft, mail fraud were the main charges, but there were lots more. Denials, claims that they did and knew nothing were interpreted by law enforcement to be total blatant lies. They were unable to make bail so all three delivered their babies in federal prison. The children were taken away to foster care shortly after birth. They were sentenced to twenty years each. They still didn’t understand what had happened, but they were still screwed big time.
About a month into her sentence Morgan received a post card- unsigned. It said simply, “It’s never a good idea to gloat in a nerd’s living room about how you’ve played him for a fool.” Morgan was sure it had come from Ryan, but how to prove it.
At the same time, a gorgeous Brazilian she-male was kneeling in front of a slightly built six footer who was reclining in a lounge chair taking in the view of Ipanema Beach. “May I suck your cock, Senhor George?
“Sounds great to me, Rita. Then I’ll want to fuck that fine ass of yours.”
“Oh Senhor George, you say the sweetest things.”
Thanks too all that followed this story till the very end, kisses & much love ❤❤❤
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