Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 35


Sometimes David took me to the field on some occasions and those moments I spent at the field use to be the best moments for every day, when the crowd cheered my name every time I scored a goal in the field, I will always feel my head swell in joy, it was not the crowd that made me feel alive but the confidence, pleasure and excitement which I felt from the game.1st term in Greenfield College wasn’t quite tough, it was only 2nd term that was going to have much pressure since we would be dealing with sports and academics at the same time but for me the pressure really meant nothing since I didn’t plan to participate in the sport activities and oohh! Kelvin the jerk! I just can’t stop calling him a jerk, he was the smartest in our class, at least to everyone, he was given the class president title on our 2nd week of the term, he would always find every reason to come close to Elena but the girl didn’t even mind him at all, sometimes I just don’t know why someone would want another person’s attention so badly perhaps he has an ulterior motive, who knows? Anyway thanks to Elena he didn’t even know if I exist in the class anymore although every time he saw me with Elena he usually gets upset but I would pretend that I didn’t notice him.

Joshua wake up, wakeeee uppppp! Who the hell is this? I said opening my eyes slowly, Wake up! It’s time for school little Charles said hitting me with a pillow, hey….. I yelled as I made to grab him but he ran out of my room quickly, did say I hate this boy? Anyway I checked the time and discovered I was almost late, oh my God I yelled jumping to the bathroom, I quickly prepared for school that morning. People say time flies, I thought it was not true until now, we were now in our seventh week of the term already so naturally the heat from academic stuffs was now increasing with each following week, luckily for me I got to school in time to avoid our seniors who were always looking for every opportunity to embarrass any student they came across, when I walked into the school premises the assembly was already going on and the principal had just finished his speech for the day. What I really loved about Greenfield college was their library, the lesson’s were usually boring to me because before a teacher would have introduced a lesson in class I would have already read that topic for about five to six times, that’s the life of a genius but the break period was the most exciting hour in the school to me since I would have the opportunity to visit the library and have access to all the books in there.

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