Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 25
I am lying in bed with my eyes closed, I have been feeling sick for several days. This pregnancy is certainly taking its toll on me. I didn’t even attend class today, I have been sleeping all day but I still feel so tired.
I haven’t told anyone about the pregnancy aside from Ryan and Pastor G, I don’t know how to face my parents and tell them I am pregnant- I can handle my mother’s reaction, it’s my father that I am terrified of. That man will disown me for dragging his name in the mud. He has worked so hard to build his reputation and he wouldn’t want anything to ruin it.
I muster the energy to sit upright when my phone rings. I pick without checking
“Sophia?” he says.
Pastor G has been quiet on me the last couple of days. He has been avoiding my calls and ignoring my messages. I wonder what he wants from me now. He made it clear he doesn’t want me to keep the baby.
“Sophia,” he says again and anger rises within me at the sound of his voice.
“What do you want?”
“I miss you.”
“You miss me?” I laugh, I laugh so loud my stomach hurts. “You think I am stupid?”
“I don’t think you are stupid baby.”
“Don’t fucking call me baby.”
“Where are you?”
“How’s that any of your business?”
“I am coming over, I am coming to pick you up. We need to talk.”
“Don’t you dare come here, I don’t want to see you.”
“I will see you in a few minutes,” he says, hanging up the phone before I can respond.
I am upset with Pastor G for being quiet on me but I am kind of excited that he is coming over, I hope he has come to the realization that he loves me and would want us to raise this baby together.
Feeling hopeful, I get out of bed, take a quick shower and get back in bed feeling refreshed, clean, and somewhat new. When the knock sounds on the door, I had only just started to doze off, so at the first sound I spring right up.
I head to the door and open it, Pastor G is standing in front of me with several plastics in his hands. Frowning, I open the door wide for him and step aside. As soon as he enters I shut it behind my back.
He places the plastics on the table, “How are you? I got some stuff for you and our baby.”
“Our baby?” My heart melts.
“I am sorry for how I reacted when you told me you were expecting. I was just confused and needed time to think about what to do next.”
“I will divorce my wife.”
“Really?” I excitedly ask.
“Yes, I just need you to be patient with me.”
“I can work with that.”
He grins, “come here,” he says, pulling me into his arms for a crushing hug and a hello passionate kiss, “God, I missed you.
“I missed you even more.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Let me cook something for you.”
I sit on the bed and check out the things he bought for the baby- there are a couple of onesies, some dresses, socks, shoes, a matching light sweater and a pink receiving blanket.
“You want a girl?”
“Yes, a little mini you.”
“I want a girl too, I love them. Thank you.”
“You are welcome baby.”
He prepares some food for us and we eat while talking about random stuff. And for the first time in days I manage to eat without throwing up. Maybe I was just stressed, that’s why I wasn’t keeping any food down.
“Have you told your parents about this?”
“Not yet.”
“Let me be the one to break the news to them.”
“You would do that? You are not scared of Bishop Kingsley?”
“You know I would do anything for you. And yes Bishop will be mad but he will come around when he sees how much we love each other.”
“When can we get married?”
He leans in and kisses me, ” let’s take it a day at a time.”
“Alright. I am so excited. I can’t wait for us to have this baby, what are we going to name her?”
He shrugs,”I don’t know, we will figure it out.”
We finish eating, he cleans the dishes then we lie down in my bed and watch a movie. I am half way into the movie when I start feeling sleepy, “Are you spending the night?” I ask, yawning loudly.
“Yes but I will probably be out by the time you wake up because I need to be at work early tomorrow for a meeting.”
“Okay. I am tired. You still want to watch the movie?”
“No, let’s sleep.”
“Sure,” He turns off the TV and lights, then we slide under the covers. Wrapping his arms around my shoulders, Pastor G pulls me against his chest.
The next morning, I awake abruptly to a sharp pain steaming from the top of my belly and ending in my abdomen. It’s as if someone is squeezing me. I have never felt this pain before. It scares me. And to make the matters worse, Pastor G is not on his side of the bed he obviously left already.
Taking a deep breath, I stand up slowly and something drips down my leg. I stare at the floor and there is blood.
“I am bleeding. Oh my God.”
The pain comes again, harder this time. I close my eyes and take another deep breath. The trickle of blood continues sliding down my leg and my heart races.
I grab my phone and dial Pastor G’s phone but the call goes unanswered. As the pain becomes intense I have no option but to call my mother, I don’t think I can drive myself to the hospital.
“Sophia,” she answers immediately.
“I am dying.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Please come and pick me up at school right away. I need to see the doctor but I can’t drive my…,”
“AWWW,” I moan in pain.
“I am coming.”
Ending the call, I wait and silently pray that I don’t lose the baby. I know I have aborted twice consciously but this baby I have wanted since day one and it would hurt to lose it.
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