Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 5
‘’Sanna, thank you for the ride and the good music to go with it. Thank you for today, I really had a great time. I owe you one.”
“You are welcome. Now get out of here. And have a great night, okay?”
“You too. ‘Bye!” I say as I get out of the car and hurry towards the house. When I open the door, I get inside, slam and lock it.
I head straight into the bedroom to find Zyair lying across the bed with his eyes closed.
Kicking off my shoes, I strip out of my dress and walk into the toilet to ease myself.
When I walk back into the bedroom, Zyair has his eyes opened and he is sitting upright.
“Hey babe,” I try to kiss him but he stops me and sarcastically says, “Well, look what the cat finally dragged in.”
“You left me with no option. I had to go to that church,” I say.
“Are you drunk?”
“I had a few glasses of wine, Babe. I might be a bit tipsy, but I’m not drunk.”
He intently stares at me, “what do you think of me Tia? What goes through that head of yours when you look at me?”
“You are the man I married.”
“So you know that I am your husband?”
“Of Course babe, where is this going?”
“You know I am your husband and yet you don’t respect me? I told you not to go to that church and you did, you sneaked out of this house in the morning and look at the time you are coming back,” he points at the wall clock.
“I am sorry I lost track of time.”
“You are always losing track of time.”
“Fine i am sorry Zyair but I did what I did for us. And my visit wasn’t in vain that man promises to help us. He said that our…”
“I don’t want to hear it, you will not go there again.”
“If you want this marriage to work you will learn to respect me as the head of this house. We have a church that we attend, you will not go to another church to seek for financial help.”
“I hope I have made myself clear,” he says. And with that he grabs his phone and walks out of the bedroom. I don’t know why he is being unreasonable. If he is comfortable living in porverty I am not, I want money, I want to be able to afford certain luxeries in life. I will go back to that church no matter what he says.
My phone vibrates, indicating that I have a text message, I pull it out of my bag.
“I am home now.”
“Great send me the photos we took on your phone.”
“You need to get an iphone.”
“Soon babe soon.”
“How are things with Zyair?”
“He is upset, he doesn’t want me to come back to your church.”
“But why is he being difficult?”
“I don’t know.”
“Will you listen to him?”
“I don’t know. He is my husband and I must respect him but then I need a job.”
“Follow your heart.”
“I will go and see the Bishop tomorrow. I won’t tell him about it until I hear what is in store for me over there.”
“Alright, praying for you to make the right decision. Remember what the Bishop said, Zyair isn’t himself, the devil is using him to delay your progress.”
“I will keep praying.”
“Things will work out.”
“Amen. Goodnight I am tired will talk to you tomorrow.”
“Night babe.”
I put my phone on the bedside table. Wear my pajamas and slide under the covers. I am doing all this for us when things work out Zyair will realise that.”
My wife and I are seated at the dining table and have just finished eating our dinner when my phone rings. I stare at the name Sophia flashing on my screen and wonder why she would be calling me at this time.
“Darling, aren’t you going to pick that up?” She asks, staring at me intently.
“It’s no one important.”
“Oh,” she stands up and begins to clear the table. I cut the call and text Sophia, “what’s up?”
“You are ignoring my calls?”
“You know you shouldn’t call me at this time. I am with my wife and you know how she can get.”
“I am outside your gate.”
“What? You can’t be serious.”
“I am serious,you have not been picking up my calls so I decided to just come over.”
“Babe,” my wife taps my should and I look up from the phone. “Can we go through today’s sermon now or maybe you are busy texting?”
Before I respond to her, there’s a knock on the door. “Expecting someone?” She asks.
“No, you?”
“No, I will get it.”
I look at my phone and the last text from Sophia says, “I am coming in.”
I wonder the kind of games that Sophia is trying to play right now.
Sophia is Bishop Kingsley’s last born she is 18 and and in her second year of University. Me and Sophia have been seeing each other over a year now.
“Darling look who thought of paying us a visit,” my wife smilingly walks in holding Sophia’s hand.
“Sophia!” I force a smile.
“Hey Pastor G.”
‘”How are you?”
“I am fine, I didn’t see you in church today.”
“I had class in the morning.”
“I see, what brings you here?”
“I was in the neighborhood and I thought of passing through. I hope I am not disturbing.”
“No you are not, my wife responds. You know you are always welcome over here child.”
“Thank you mum.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Well I will go and order pizza when I get back ok campus.”
“We just finished having dinner and there’s more than enough food left in the kitchen. Let me fix you something.”
‘”You don’t have to do that.”
“Well I want to, make youself comfortable while I make you something to eat.”
And with that she rushes to the kitchen.
I shoot Sophia an angry look and she innocently shrugs, “what?”
“`What are you doing here?”
“I missed you,” she leans in and lightly kisses my lips.
“Stop it,” I whisper. “My wife is in the other room.”
“And so?”
“Respect yourself.”
She rolls her eyes, “you should stop ignoring my calls,” she says before she opens her bag and pulls out a pregnancy test kit.
“What is this?”
“You are going to be a daddy.”
My heart races, “What?”
My wife chooses that same minute to walk into the room and I quickly stuff the pregnancy test kit into my pocket.
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