Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 36

“You slapped me? Dina asked her and tried to

rush Oyin to slap her back but Oyin quickly got

the message and pulled her so hard that she

shouted, and gave her another 3 hot slaps that

sent her rolling on the floor.

she walked close to her and began to beat her

up like never before.frank stood still with mouth

wide open, he couldn’t believe Oyin could fight

like a lion. he smiled and nodded, wishing for

an opportunity like that to come to him so he

could beat her up to death.

He tried to separate them when the door was

pushed opened.Steve walked in as his scent

filled the room.

he walked in fully to the room and looked at

everybody, then stared at frank with disgust. if

eyes could kill, frank would have been dead by


he looked at Oyin and everything in the room.

Steve:Can someone just tell wots happening

here? he asked and rush to drag Oyin away

from Dina who was now bleeding from the nose

and mouth with a swollen eyes.

She quickly stood up and shamefully run out as

fast as her legs could carry her immediately

Steve held Oyin not to go after her.

Everywhere was silent as frank paced up and

down and stared at Oyin. he moved close to her

to explain himself but Oyin stepped back and

warned him not to come close to her.she turned

and face steve.

Oyin:Steve, what are you doing here? she asked

but he said nothing.

Don’t tell me you have been stalking on me,

that you have to fellow me down here.she


Oh God! what’s wrong with this guy, his not

supposed to see us this way when everything is

messed up.she said within herself.she felt

ashamed of herself for the first time because of

frank’s foolishness and regreted the day she

met Dina.she was the reason for everything that

happened. she felt like killing her and never

wish to see her face again. she quietly walked

close to steve..

Oyin:Pls steve, am sorry about this. you have to

go now.she said.

Steve: But i seem not to understand what happened

here.who is he? he pointed at frank and stared

at Oyin.

Oyin:Pls just leave.i will talk to you.she said

while steve walked ove to frank.

Steve:If you try anything stupid with her, I will

make sure you rot in jail.he fired at him and

walked away, leaving a confused frank to ponder

on the word he used on him.he shrugged and

stared at him pass through the door.he was

shocked to hear him say that to him, he

wondered wot he was doing with Oyin and what

brought him there.

He decided to find out from Oyin wen

everything is calmed, as for now;he really needs

to save their relationship and assured her

nothing happened between him and Dina.


Frank:pls my love, I can assure you dat nothing

happened between us.he said and continue.

Wot you saw was nothing, it’s only a set up. that

devil is trying to break us apart. pls dont believe

anything she said.he said and moved close to


Oyin:Oh really.she clapped her hands and


And you let the devil come into your house and

make you do what you never want to do

without resisting her? she asked while frank

shook his head.

Frank:No! it’s nothing. pls believe me. i would

never think of hurting you.he said and hold her


Oyin:But you did it, you betrayed me and you

are trying to denie it. she said, trying hard not to

believe what she saw with her very own eyes

when she came in.

pls stay away from me.she said with a teary

voice.I don’t want to ever see your face again.

she said and ran out of the room with tears

flowing down her eyes.

Frank:Oyin wait,pls don’t leave me.he shouted

and ran after her.pleading for her to stop but it

was to late.

Oyin entered her car and drove off as he quitely

watched her leave.he turned and walked back

to his apartment. he entered and saw Dina’s

hand bag, lying on the floor.he furiously took it

and fling it outside, then came back and

collapse on the bed as tears drop down from his


he looked around and saw the tape beside the

TV set.

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