Episode 1

Being a woman is fun, we are the superior being of the human race, we procreate, we can make even a shrek size male go on his knees either in the name of love or s-x, am a big fan of the latter, but we females let the males bask in the euphoria of being called the ā€˜stronger vesselā€™, if you look properly in all sphere of our society a female has equalled every feat created by the male counterpart but yet they feel we are the weaker vessel.

My name is Diana, but friends call me dirty diana, I was dirty at first while I was in junior secondary, I guess the harsh life of boarding school made it hard for me to meet up, so I resolved to take each day as it comes as my school uniform was always dirty because I barely had time to wash it, I had no friend because I was mocked and made jest of by almost all my classmates and the micheal jacksonā€™s popular hit ā€˜dirty dianaā€™ came to mind easily as my classmates teamed up and tagged me ā€œDirty Dianaā€ , the name stuck with me all through my junior secondary, Mrs Edafe our form mistress made it her point of duty to bring me in front of the class everyday to make mockery of me, Kester the coolest dude in our class who had all the girls in our class at his beck and call never noticed me because I was the infamous ā€˜dirty dianaā€™, I tried all I could to get his attention but yet he ignored all my advance at him, I slipped a note into his locker, hoping that when he gets it, he would read and maybe give me little of his scarce time that was already booked by other.
I was shocked when Kester stood up with my letter in his hand, because after slipping in the letter, I watched from the corner of my eyes and saw when he opened the locker, saw the letter and smiled, his smile was like a rush of cold water down my spine but he stopped smiling abruptly when he discovered the sender was me, he stood up and walked to the front of the class and said

ā€œHey! Class I have an announcement to make, which is very important, I have been condoling the series of love letters been slipped into my locker by some of you here but today the water has gotten to my neck, if I donā€™t act fast Iā€™ll drown in it, am I so cheap that even dirty Diana feels she can have a taste of this black coffeeā€ he said

The class members burst into laughter as everybody turned to stare at me, girls laughed so loud that Amanda sat on the floor and held her tummy for she couldnā€™t control the laughter anymore, while all these was happening, kester stood there with his teeth clenched as continued
ā€œIā€™ll read the content of this letter for you all but I want it to be on record that the next time such thing like this happens, Iā€™ll make sure the note goes to the principalā€ he said

The class made mockery of me as they laughed loud to the point that I began to cry as catarrh drooled down my nose and that made matters worst as they laughed louder, I stood up to run and the next thing I looked to see that I was soaked in my own urine

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