Episode 1
Wishes are the engine that sustain our existence as a human being, it makes us hopeful that someday somehow as we keep digging the rusty part of our life that we would strike gold and like a magic wand with a spell waved in our face it would dissappear with all our problems but most times we have to be careful of the things we wished for, like every of my mate the emergence of social media sparked a new desire in us, the arrays of women at your disposal was maddening, with just a click a total stranger would be best pals with you, as a young graduate with no money in my pocket I decided that I would hunt for older gullible women who seek for comfort and companionship in the arms of younger men, the six pack and thin guy description which I did fall into was a particular type of demograph the older women sort after, I happened to be blessed with a cute face and had ways with words which I banked on as my strength, I did flirt with a couple of them online, trade nude pictures unending and had a handful of phone s-x with some
“Touch your n—–s slowly and then take your hands down to your c——s!, can you rub it slowly, take the phone down there, I want to hear you spank your p—y for me”
Those words were my killer lines and used on so many who would m0an and groan until the would c-m, it was so much fun that I took the free time I had to play with this not until I came across Harriet, an older fair fat lady with a huge a-s like she was carry another human being under her skirt, she was fun to chat with and had this spontaneous nature I liked, sometimes I would be out in the field playing football with friends and I will see my phone beep, only for me to see pictures of her p—y and sometimes her a-s or a shot clip of her using a huge cream tube in masturbating, then she would call and say these words that had a very huge control over me
“I want to f–k you right now!, can I see your d–k?”
I never knew that a d–k could be worshipped, Harriet practically worships my c–k, no day passes by without me sending nudies, I would leave my friends and then run back to the house for a bounty of phone s-x, under her instruction I would pour olive oil all over my d–k and then stroke it gently until it grows from limbs to a full flegded master c–k, with veins all over it, then she would instruct me to video my d–k as I m——–e, I would work on my d–k with my hands until my c–k would spill my c-m all over, then I would send the video to her, minutes later I would get praises from her and then she would call to tell me thank you and also confide in me about how she is jealous of my girlfriend.
Imelda my girlfriend was the girl next door, she wasn’t my kind of girl if I had money and was to choose my kind of girl, since I was broke and had nobody who would love me for who I am if not Imelda, I had to use her as my comfort zone, she would send recharge cards to me, sneak into my house when the rest of my family members were either out for work or church and then blow my brains out in bed, she had the prowress of nine women, I nicknamed her “lioness” because of that, she would grab the full length of my c–k in her mouth and then sU-Ck on it like it was a lolipop and then choke on it before she uses her own saliva to lubricate her p—y and then lay on her back with both legs thrown wide open, left hanging on the air and then she would grabbed both n—–s and sq££ze it so slow and s£nsu@l before I slam my lengthy beefy c–k into her p—y and then f–k her like a w—e, biting her n—–s at her own approval, licking her ears and then forcing my other finger into her a—–e and then f–k her silly, making sure the full length of my turgid d–k was buried deep inside her, she would scream at the top of her voice, spanking my a-s as if I was stripping, urging me to make I got the best t—-t of her p—y, I rammed and jammed her p—y as if I wanted to break her waist but yet she met each pounding with a rythnmic way and then took all that pain and pleasure in good faith, then when I finally grab her legs up to my shoulder and then let emotions override my thinking, I would c-m so hard and deep inside her to the point that my c-m would drool out of her p—y, she would stagger as she gets out of the bed, grab the bedsheet and then use it to wipe her p—y clean and also sweat that had gathered all over her body and then push me to bed as she would then begin her normal ritual and her ritual was what endeared me to her, she would lick my feet, take her tongue up to my thighs and then use her mouth to sU-Ck my balls, then sU-Ck my limp d–k to full attention and then leave it, using her tongue to trail up to my navel and then my n—–s, giving each of them the desired attention, if the pleasure gets too much and I stretch my hand to either touch her head or the spot she was deligently taking care of, she would beat my hand off as if I was some school kid she was schooling and then she would grab my now erect d–k that she had forced to get erect and then hump on it, she would ride my d–k as if she was on a horse in the middle of war, so rough that sometimes I get scared she might break it but she won’t as she had this professional way she would use her hip to get my d–k back in her p—y if it slips off and then when she is about to c-m she would go into this mad state, almost acting like a maniac, she would beat my chest so hard that it hurts and then scream as her c-m erupts.
A friend of mine mistakenly grabbed my phone where I left it for it to charge and then saw my messages with Harriet, when he saw me later he began to tell me about the so many things I was missing, he told me about how I should ask for money from Harriet, he also told me how I was using a very cool business venture that many guys would die for to chat and just catch fun, I could remember that night, I spent the whole night racking my brain and thinking of the so many possible lies I could lie that would make Harriet give me some money, she even noticed I was unsettled when she called me for our usual phone s-x, I decided to go through her pictures again on Facebook to see if she was actually rich, but nothing popped up on her picture that linked her to being rich, she was always sitting on a table with just a land line and a laptop, so instantly I knew she had no money on her but like my friend had suggested I decided to ask her for money the next day .
“Awwww Benny! , I don’t have that kind of money oh!, where do you think I can get ten thousand in this hard times?” Harriet replied over the phone
I had told her I needed money to travel to another state for a job interview and that was the reply I got, I felt stupid for trailing the path of my friend who had adviced me to pull such trick on her, instantly I resolved never to ask her for money ever again, we kicked off our usual phone s-x and then things went back to normal.
Imelda became too possesive of me as she always bugged me with calls, sometimes she would barge into the house while every of my family member was at home, as if that was not enough she would also demand we have s-x in the house also, she then called me out one evening that she wanted to see me, in my usual manner I kept a sad face as I walked to the back of the house to meet her, she grabbed me by the hand and then took me to a dark spot and then began to kiss me!, I pushed her back and then decided to enquire from her if kissing was the reason she urgently wanted to see me and then she raised her face up staring me in the eyes as she said
“I think its time we go our seperate ways, you and I know that you don’t love me, I have found a new guy who truly loves me”
The news met me with mixed feelings, I didn’t know if I should be happy that she was leaving me or sad that I would miss her great s-x!, I never had envisiage that Imelda would be the one to dump me, I was in control of my game, I knew she had this huge crush on me, but here was I been left at the train station by someone I cared less about, I turned without saying a word and then walked back into my house.
During my phone s-x with Harriet that night I decided to let her know of my relationship status, I was expecting some consoling words from her rather what I got was the opposite, a happy Harriet whose happiness over the phone could be felt from where I was, she told me stuffs about how I don’t deserve her and that I was too good for such a girl and then made me and offer
“Benny I won’t lie I have been patiently waiting for this opportunity for a long time, can you be my man?”
I was short of words as I wasn’t expecting it from her, secondly she was broke so there no single financial benefit from her, it was of no use indulging myself in such kind of relationship when all I will get is phone s-x and never get to taste the real thing!, not piss her off I gave her simple reply
“Let me think about that!” I said
She was surprised at my answer as she quickly replied in a very low tone
“Do you know how many guys want what am giving you on a platter of gold?”
I almost said it out loud as I was thinking in my mind ‘who woul want an old broke lady whom she has is her big back side and a giant b—-t’, I noticed her countenance had changed so in order for peace to reign I decided to agree to her request
“I was kidding with you dear, I am feeling happy right now!” I said
She giggled like a little child over the phone and then asked
“Can I see you tomorrow?”
“Am broke you know, where do I get the money to come to lagos tomorrow?” I asked
“Send me your account number let me transfer money to you online so you can come tomorrow” she replied immediately
I dropped the call but with no intentions of going to lagos the next day, then I sent my account number to her and then called her back as we then continued woth other discussions, not until my phone did vibrate in my hand while making the call, I put the call on hold and then read the text message which reads
“100.000 has been transferred to …..”
The phone fell off my hand when I saw the amount of money she transfered to me, instantly I changed my mind and then agreed on going to lagos the next day!
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