Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1


Have you ever heard of the expression, “Love makes the world go round? “I remembered Jennifer Lopez’s musical lyrics :

“Love makes the world go round
Love makes the world go round
Love makes the world go round-ound-ound-ound
Love makes the world go round
We…we’ll be alright
Living our lives
Finding some satisfaction
No, we’re goanna hide
No fear from our eyes
Love is a call to action

I am Abena Yeboah, a fante from the Central Region of Ghana, more specifically Cape Coast. I don’t know how to describe myself to you without sounding bias but all that I can say is I’m average height, brown skin and curvy with plump legs. I have sexy eyes, thick curly hairs and a mild pointed nose above pink sensuous lips. I guess I’m more hairier than the average Ghanaian girl. I was 18 years old.

My father Joe was a retired military officer and my mother was a Secretary at the Cape Coast Regional Office of Ghana Education Service. I had one brother and a sister, called Kweku and Yaba respectively.
I was admitted into the University of Cape Coast in 2015. Being a highly emotional person, I tried as much as possible to disassociate myself from the issues of love because I knew my heart was very delicate and once I gave it out to someone, the person could take control of all facets of my life.

I was therefore careful not to put the key to the door of my heart at a place where it could easily be stolen by tricky university boys and used to manipulate me, under the guise of love. Of course, I saw a lot of my mates who couldn’t saf
guard their hearts from those “ravenous wolfs” in the forms of those bad university boys, got smashed and trodden upon. It happened to my bestie and she ended up dead. She was called Jasmine. Let me tell you a little bit about her.
Jasmine met that guy at the monthly Inter-denominational church service on campus in level 100. His Name was Gershon. One thing led to the other and they began hanging out, having fun, and all that. It was quite a pretty sight to behold but I was a little bit skeptical about the guy. He acted too artificial whenever he was around my friend.
One day, I spotted him in a club when I was going home. I caught a glimpse of him and asked the driver to stop the car for me to confirm my perception. When walked closer and peeped into the club, he was there dancing on a Hip hop song with another lady.

I tried to call my friend to come and watch the scenario for herself but her phone was off.
I left. I returned to school later to see my friend crying.
“Jasmine, talk to me, what happened ,” I asked.

She was sobbing uncontrollably. Mustering some courage, she said, ” I caught Gershon in bed with another lady and when he saw me, he told the lady not to mind me because I am a prostitute.Then without any shame he continued honking the lady in my presence and was moaning uncontrollably high.”
“What!!” I always suspected this boy , this nitwit but I don’t know he was that debaucherous, I complained.
“I’m sorry, dear,” I tried to console her.

She looked at me and said, “uhm, I will deal with that skate- chaser.”
“I hope you will not do anything stupid,” I said.
She smiled through her tears and said to me,” keep hoping.”
Without looking at me again, she walked away.
“Where are you going, Jasmine?” I asked but she ignored me.

Since I had lectures that evening, I left.
That night the was a great commotion between Gershon and Jasmine. I was told Jasmine went to Gershon’s Dormitory, saw him f—–g the same lady again. In a Flash, she poured acid on the both lovers. Then she broke into a run on the 21st floor. Unfortunately, she was too close to a rails and slipped off and fell from the 21st floor of the storey building to the ground, dead.
Police officers were called and they took her lifeless body to the hospital. Jasmine was confirmed dead upon arrival at the hospital with deep cracks on her skull.

Her body was deposited in the mortuary with the police investi
gating into the cause of the incident.
Gershon was arrested as a prime suspect but the extent to which Jasmine’s acid damaged his and his swiving girl’s skin had made the police to rather take them to the hospital’s Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Burns Centre rather than the police cell.

He was later acquitted and discharge since no prima facie case was found against him. Well, my friend was later buried in the bosom of the earth.
Another casual friend of mine called Grinnell was beaten to a pulp by her jealous boyfriend who saw her talking and smiling with a male lecturer. She was brutalized to such an extent that for three days , she couldn’t walk on her feet even though she was sent to the hospital
Those experiences strengthened my resolve to focus on my studies.
I managed to keep this routine for three years in the university despite incessant romantic advances from some of my male colleagues and lecturers on the university campus. Most of my mates said I was an icon of beauty on the campus.
Well, there were some truths in what they said.
I hardly passed by a male without him turning his head to take a second look at my naturally endowed backside and gargantuan front elevation. Even blind men knew when I passed by them. Natural Beauty seemed to be my bragging right on campus.
When I reached level 400, Fafa Amenyaglo, one of the coolest guys in the Science Department won the best -student- of -the- year award for his outstanding academic prowess and discipline. Fafa was a quiet, handsome guy, very reserve, humble, polite and surprisingly had a strange sense of humour, a direct contradiction to his rather MelPhleg temperament. He was a guy of very few words.
The award made Fafa famous on campus and it wasn’t long before he rose into a celebrity status, with media houses chasing him to grant them interviews. He was often seen on several TV stations like TV3, MetroTV, JoyNews underground interviews. At a point in time , he stunned the interviewer to the extent that she could only gape at him. He looked very debonair in his elegant suit.

Fafa was also a mathemagician. He calculated figures like child’s Play. It was even rumoured that he even computed Maths faster than a calculator.

When the name “Fafa” was mentioned, every student in the university turned his head just to catch a glimpse of him.
He was an “ACADEMIC GOD getting a cumulative GPA of 4.0 almost every semester.
To crown Fafa’s success, he had the opportunity to go to London to represent the university at the National Best Brain Science Quiz Competition represented by the notable universities in Ghana, University of Ghana, University of Cape Coast, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and University of Education, Winneba,
University for Development Studies,University of Mines and Technology.

At the end of the competition, University of Cape Coast won the contest, kind courtesy of Fafa’s ingenuity. Winning at the National level qualified the University to Compete with Universities in the sub -region of ECOWAS. Thus Cape- Coast University met with University of Lagos, University of Ouagadougou, National University of Benin,Université de N’Djaména, Addis Ababa University, University of Dschang. Once again, Fafa won the contest and now represented west Africa to Compete with representatives from other great universities in Africa like South Valley University in Egypt, University of Nairobi,University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. Again Fafa vanquished the representatives from those universities. He represented Africa on the Global stage. Being among the giant Universities was not easy.
Fafa competed from Reps from University of London,Stanford University, Harvard University,
University of Magdeburg and the
Munster University.

The questions were tough and brain consuming. Fafa managed to crash some of the prestigious universities in the world like Stanford University and The Munster University.
Now it was the finals of the finals. There were four Universities left, University of London, Harvard University,University of Magdeburg and University of Cape Coast.

The whole of Ghana was watching the competition keenly. For once everyone was skeptical about Fafa’s ingenuity. Could he beat the Reps from the world’s famous universities like Harvard, London and Magdeburg?
The score was 130 for Harvard University, 100 for University of London, 90 for University of Magdeburg and 120 for University of Cape Coast.
Everyone was tense. The question was asked. Answer this question for 20 marks.

“What’s the most significant advancement made in Physics over that past 100 years?”

The Rep from University of London tried but wasn’t very accurate, so were the Reps from University of Harvard and University of Magde
burg. Then the Quiz master said,any idea from our African Counterparts?”
The quiz master laughed. If Reps from the world best Universities couldn’t answer the question, how will a poor African boy be able to answer it.?

The quiz master said, of course, “he has no ….”
Fafa was tense .The whole world was watching him. Africans were watching him on TV. It was a tense moment. Getting that 20 marks will make him win the overall context.
Timidly, he raised up his hand and said,”There is not one invention but many inventions made in Physics in the past 100 years that can be said to be significant.

  • The Big bang model proposed by Georges Lemaitre in 1927. He proposed that all universe came from the explosion of a mass densely concentrated at a single point.

*. Discovery of nuclear fission by Otto Hahn in 1938. This process is now used for the generation of nuclear power in nuclear reactors.

*. Research in the field of quantum electrodynamics by Richard Feynman.1948.

*.Theory of cosmic inflation of the universe.1981.

*. The accelerated expansion of the universe was discovered in 1998. It showed that a galaxy is receding from a distant observer with a velocity that is increasing with time.

*. Gravitational waves proposed by Albert Einstein in his theory of general relativity were confirmed by the LIGO. It opened up a new field of physics called gravitational wave astronomy.

The quiz master was stunned. The pen dropped from his hands and he exclaimed loudly, WOW, THIS GUY FROM GHANA IS A GENIUS. ”

The score turned 140 for University of Cape Coast, 130 for Harbard University,100 for University of London, 90 for University of Magdeburg. Fafa won.African won.
Ghana won.
Suddenly, everyone erupted into joy. Fafa had won the World best brain Quiz Competition , beating the world best Universities in the world. People round the world watched him with so much admiration. Africans , especially Ghanaians,were happy. Fafa had put Ghana on the world Academic map.
Fafa had risen to the status of world celebrities. He was interviewed at BBC, DW-TV and CNN.

The day Fafa returned to his homeland Ghana, he was welcome by the state and given a special escorts. He presented the prestigious award to the President of the Republic before coming back to school.
Despite Fafa’s impressive academic record, he was a very down- to- earth person. Though most University girls crushed on him, he had no time for those “daughters of Eve.”

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