Episode 7

Dani’s Pov:

I walked into Cristine’s office….

She was already seated with her eyes fixed on the desktop computer ?

After the heartbreak she received, she have practically face her life on work.

She hates ALL men with passion.

With the believe that they are all the same.

“Hey girl” I said as I sat heavily on the chair opposite her.

She didn’t say a word, she continued working.

She’s obviously still furious with me.

I tapped her gently with a pleading face

“Am sorry already Crisy please….” I pleaded

She only nodded still looking annoyed.

I quickly tickled her and she burst into laughter.

“You made me so angry Daniella” She said giving me a deadly glare.

I winked at her and she sneered.

“Am sorry but you were a little too harsh on the poor guy” I said

She scoffed.

“Poor guy you say…. That man is married if you must know” Cristine said so sure.

I shook my head in confusion.

“And how did you know?” I asked anxiously

“I saw a ring mark in his shirt’s breast pocket” She said as I laughed loudly.

“What if it’s not actually a ring?” I laughed.

She frowned her face and sighed.

“Fine! But he was just trying to communicate” I said as she clicked her tongue loudly.

“Nobody begged for his communication” She muttered almost inaudibly.

I yawned hungrily.

“You know you actually made me starve” I groaned as she burst into laughter.

“You know you should get yourself a waist trainer cos your tummy is almost bulging out” She teased and I slapped her playfully.

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