Episode 1
I was chatting with my friends on WhatsApp when I receive a message “Hi” from an unknown number, I look at the dp but I can’t recognize the person, so I replied.
“Good evening ozila” the person replied.
I know that only my story fans know me as Ozila so I concluded that the person got my number from the internet.
“Good evening, I guess you got my number from nairaland” I said knowing that’s the only place I post my number at that time.
“No I got it from Facebook, a story group” the person replied.
“Okay, so who am I chatting with?” I ask.
“Oh sorry, my name is Joy but you can call me joie” she said.
“Oh okay, so which of the story did you read?” I ask.
“Adanna the mysterious aba girl” she said.
“And how do you see it?” I ask.
“Oh well, the story is okay it was like I was watching a movie, you really know how to capture your readers and am really impress” she said.
“Thank you very much” I said.
I started the story “Adanna” last year and it got so many views, almost all bloggers want the story and it was posted on Nigeria top story websites, so many people love the story and they wanted it to continue so I included two final parts, so many comment on the story and am glad I started it that day when I was bored, I was bored so I decided to share my story with people that’s how the story “Adanna” started.
So many people message me about the story, some wanted to know if the story is real or not, some want me to be sending them my other stories through WhatsApp so I decided to create a WhatsApp group where I will be sharing my stories, immediately I create it I add some of my fans that want more of my story, the group was very lively and enjoyable and I post story every morning, but there was trouble so many people can’t stand the many messages so they started leaving the group, there was commotion because of the working class and ones schooling, they always have different views and they want it their way, there was commotion so I decided to divide the group into three parts, the first one is a quiet one with no comments but story post every morning, the second contain working class that want to chat every evening after they return from work, just minor chat and the last one is were you will see the young ones that always want to chat and explore, some are student while others are workers, you can be added to any one of your choice, the last is better because they do play games there and other competition.
My name is Ozila and am a story writter, am base in Port Harcourt and this is my story.
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