Episode 6

I know this old couple are hiding something
from me, I will find out anyway. They
both left the hospital promised to return
indirect bye bye, mama and papa sha…

The doctor declared me fit to go home in
three days I will be leaving this God forsaken
hospital, a beautiful nurse was assigned to
me, she has the height and her boobs is nothing
to write about, total guava. Good sU-Cking
will do justice to the size, her a-s is like
our Creator designed it on Sunday, you know
all those old television sizes now, her backyard
is heavy. With her white pinafor showing
her a-s obvious size. her a-s torment me in
the dream, daydream, broad daylight.

If I didn’t bang this nurse then and there
I am declared a candidate for heaven.

One of those days left for me I was having
morning boner, my 8inches amu is at full length
when the beautiful fair complexion big backyard
nurse came in, my d–k is erect saluting
her, all those patient uniform without
underwear, I pretended to be deep asleep.

she stare at my face, wave her hand over my
face to confirm if I am in slumber.


This Nurse didn’t read Proverbs a little slumber
lead to poverty, am a vigilant sleeper
that is why I have money and pussies in addition
for being hardworking, I notice her eyes
didn’t leave my d–k region, she gasp.

I opened one eye to see why she is covering
her mouth, I saw her hand underneath
her pinafor, the covering of mouth is to muffle
her m0an, she didn’t even wear pant sef…
she must be giving the doctors too, lemme
collect my own before is too late, the door knob
turned. Who is this show stopper?

May my enemies never pass through the door
that will obstruct me from going into fountain
of pleasure, eventually the door is opened,
Prayer not answered. I toss to the other side of bed
facing wall listening to their discourse

Nurse 2; Angela, the doctor wants to see you.
Nurse 1: please, take my stead to give my patient morning medication.

I heard the door sound, so her name is Angela.
I opened my eyes, she greeted me and I
reciprocated nonchalantly, after receiving
my medication from her, if I have managed
to convince nurse Angela to have sex with me
which condom would I have used. Everything
worketh for my good, either good or bad
definitely they will result to The Good
somma bonum, how am I going to get condom.
yes! Uche my driver is the best option,
are you expecting me to ask from the nurse
no way. that is a terrible idea, Uche brought
my breakfast and I asked him to get condom for
me. all thanks to hospital system nurse Angela
her duty is shifted to night, after taken
my dinner she gave me drugs whichI swallowed
with grudge, she is about to leave when
I called her attention.

Me; Nurse Angela, right?

Angela; yes, sir.

Me; don’t be surprised I know your name, I learnt it from your friend, can you seat with me.
she did as I said and there comes a total black
out, PHCN reclaimed their light which resulted
to power outage, can someone shout hallelujah!
cause everything worketh for my own good.

Me; you are so beautiful, you don’t deserve to be working here, you are created to be a celebrity, such a beautiful model that can win miss World working in hospital.

Angel; th.an..k y..ou sir

I located her p—y in the dark, push two fingers
inside and start manipulating her c–t.

My guess is correct she isn’t wearing any pant.

I located her c–t with my magical finger to rub it,
power is restored, aahh.. the show cannot
end here, never.

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