Episode 1
….. Damn not again! Why couldn’t I simply one day, experience all I had read about in novels and what my friends kept talking about? Another one has come and gone and I had to fake it again! It was frustrating.
‘Are you okay baby?’ Niyi asked me.
‘I’m fine’, I said with a fake smile.
Oh sorry! You were probably wondering what I was talking about. Right? Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Joke, I’m twenty-five years old and my current boyfriend’s name is Niyi. We’ve been dating for roughly seven months and in all that time I’ve never climaxxed when we have S£x, or let the truth be told, in my five years of having Sekxual intercourse; I’ve never climaxxed! I used to think just being wet was orgas,m but I soon realized it was more than that.
Oh… oh, you were probably feeling sorry for me, I know; I feel sorry for myself everyday too, because of this ever present depriving experience. Sometimes, I feel like something was wrong with me but I knew nothing was wrong with me. There was this s£nsat!on deep down at the apex of my thighs…, that I knew was there, just that NO ONE had reached it yet!
‘Babe you are the best, seriously your body is so soft I can be inside you forever!’ Niyi said to me.
I thought in my heart, “GOD forbid bad thing” but I said instead,
‘Thanks baby… And yes you are the best too’. He kissed me and rolled off me and went for the bathroom to clean up.
I stood up and started putting myself together.
I picked up the condom wrapper we had used, threw it in the bin and straightened up my bed.
Niyi came out of the shower and held me from behind. I turned around in his arms, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him gently on his lips before going full french on him. Kissing him was a pleasure. Unlike many guys who just open their mouth and try to swallow yours, he knew the kissing art. He broke the kiss after a while and said,
‘Jokes baby, I have got to be in Ghana tomorrow evening, I’ll be back in two weeks. Would you like to join me? He asked.
I didn’t even think about it, I declined immediately.
‘Oh baby I wish I could but I can’t be gone for two weeks right now. I’ve got some pressing stuff to attend which can’t wait, but I would be there in spirit with you baby, you know?’ I said and kissed him all over again.
[B]‘You just don’t like going anywhere with me, I want to show you the world baby, why are you hiding? Please let me’, he sulked.
I thought in my heart, what was the point of going around the world with him when I couldn’t even feel like a woman? But I said,
‘That’s not it babe, it is work but come December I’ll take leave from work and we can go anywhere you want, ok boo?’ He drew me into his arms and kissed my forehead before saying,
‘Yes babes, that would be nice and I’ll hold you to it ooo! You berra no fvck up come December or else…, I’ll kidnap you!’
‘Yes boss’, I saluted, we both laughed and hugged.
He dropped his arms from around me and went for his briefcase, brought out two bundle of 500 naira notes and gave it to me,
‘Take this babe, I hope it will take you through two weeks?’ He asked.
‘You will spoil me rotten, of course it’s more than enough, thanks baby’ , I said with a genuine smile and hugged him even tighter.
How I wished he could make me this happy on bed too… Hmmm that would be really nice. I took his briefcase in my right hand and held his right hand in my left hand and led him out to his car.
He opened the car door with the remote, I dropped the briefcase in the back seat and came to the driver’s side where he sat behind the wheel. I bent low and poked my face in the car through the window.
‘Babes, please take care of yourself for me ooo, and don’t do what I won’t do. I love you and I’m gonna miss you dearly’, he said.
I smiled and replied, ‘Same here baby boo, will miss you too, I’ll be a good girl, I promise!’
I wished it was the truth. I won’t miss him very much especially not on bed but I did not know at that time I would break my promise of being a good girl.
‘You better be a good boy too’, I warned.
‘I will darling. What should I bring for you from Ghana?’ He asked.
‘Anything you think your baby deserves’, I replied. We kissed. He started the engine and drove off waving and blowing me kisses, I reciprocated and waved till his car disappeared.
I went back into the house, straight to my bathroom to clean up then I took the money from the bed and headed for the living room while counting the money even though I knew how much was in it. I sat down and turned on the television. I tuned the remote on every channel, I couldn’t find any programme that caught my interest. I dropped the money on the stood beside me and I drifted into thoughts, I remember why I dated Niyi in the first place.
I had just got out of a relationship. I broke up with Kayode myself because I wasn’t enjoying myself in the relationship. Apart from the fact that he couldn’t make me reach climaxx, he was too protective and possessive. He wouldn’t allow me have any fun or me-time or hang out with my friends. It was either I was with him or alone in my room or in class. I only wear dresses he approved of. If I made my hair and he does not like it, I would have to loose it regardless of the time and money spent on it.
To make matters worst, he’s always broke.
He couldn’t afford me and he couldn’t take me to the promised land on bed. So I broke up with him. I decided to indulge in everything Kayode denied me of. I went to club, I went to movies with my friends, I did lots of things but on this day which was a Thursday, I chose to go to the swimming pool with my friend Joke. We left for the pool around eleven in the morning and we got there around twelve o’clock. We changed into our swimsuits, we did little exercise and took our shower before heading for the pool.
There were three men and a lady in the pool already. I saw the lifeguard, Ben, sitting idle on a chair. Two guys sat by the pool drinking beer and discussing God knows what. All eyes turned to us as we approached the pool. I actually heard, ‘Wow, check that figure’. Someone somewhere said, ‘Eegbe’. My friend and I pretended not to hear them, we went into the pool.
We swam together for a while, then we competed with each other. We fooled around in the pool then we got tired. We watched other swimmers and made fun of the ones who couldn’t swim. Some other swimmers had joined us. I suggested we go out of the water and have a drink. We sat on the table next to the guys that were drinking when we arrived, they were still at their drink and talk, we could hear everything they were saying. We ordered our drinks and we launched into a discussion of our own. I did not mean to listen into their conversation but I couldn’t help it. One was talking about the way he handled the last girl he had S£x with. How the girl came every thirty minutes. The other guy was hailing his friend and singing his praises. Inwardly I wished to be that girl. So, could you imagine how lucky I felt when they both approached our table and the S£x superhero turned his attention towards me? I learnt his name was Niyi and his friend’s name was Seun. We became friends and he asked me out one week after. I played hard to get for two weeks then said yes. Another week went by and we had S£x. It was a great disappointment and it has been so so far. Sometimes I feel like that discussion was staged for me to hear and sometimes I feel there was something wrong with me. Maybe he could make girls come truly, I’m just the one that could never come.
I also remembered the time I tried to tell Niyi that I don’t come when we make love, oh boy! It was a bad day!
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