Episode 1
Cold, so Cold. I hate the cold. No! I despise
Been living on the streets for 8 years now,
and all I’ve ever known is cold. I find it
difficult to get a good job, and because I
don’t have a good job or any job at all, I
literally don’t eat at all. Sometimes I don’t
eat for 3 days straight it’s that bad. And now
it’s evening, its dark, its cold, and I’m hungry.
My name is Fola, and I’m sure you’re
wondering how I ended up like this, well it’s a
very wonderful story (eye roll) just relax and
My mum was what people call a prostitute.
Her mum was also a prostitute, well she came
from a line of women that were prostitutes,
but I refused to become one. My dad? I have
no idea who he is, seeing as she slept with a
thousand men. She tried to convince me
about how good her prostitution job was,
that it’s really easy to do “her words” not mine, but I said no.. I really don’t know why I
said no, but I thank God that I did.
On my 13th birthday she got me a gift.
This gift was in form of a man, an old man; he
was like in his 50’s… I was totally confused, I
had no idea why a 50 year old man would be
my birthday gift she said I am now a woman,
so I should start paying for the house bills, in
any way that I can. she said she has given me
my first job which is her gift to me, I didn’t
understand ,I mean I was just thirteen, how
was I a woman?. I couldn’t do it, I said no.
so she threw me out. I have been living on
the Streets ever since. Honestly my mum
didn’t like the fact that I came into this world,
she felt like I was bad luck, and of no use to
her. But I kept it together, because deep down
i knew that it will all be better. I would find a
good house for myself and leave my mum to
her precious job.
Which brings us to NOW? You see I’m cold,
I’m hungry, and I’m standing in front of the
owner of a restaurant here in Lagos begging
for food. And the owner is just giving me this
wicked ugly smile because I refused to sleep
with him can’t sleep with him, I won’t, and
because of this i won’t be eating today..
But Lord knows I’m starving. i don’t know what
to do.
“Listen to me, emm…, what’s your name?” said the ugly restaurant guy’’.
“Fola, sir” i replied.
“Ok. Fola ,good. Now listen. If you don’t do
what I ask you to do, you will not eat from
my restaurant. See I am trying to help you,
but you also have to help me too” said the
restaurant guy.
I held my cardigan tighter around my body to
keep the cold away.
“Sir I really can’t do it. Please just give me a
slice of bread I will really be grateful sir
please”. i said pleadingly
He looked at me with disgust. ” mshww
rubbish smelling girl you want me to give you
something and you won’t give me anything in
return? lai lai… not going to happen. See if
you won’t give me what i want leave my
restaurant before I slap that dirty face of
yours….ugly thing. , get out from here! Now!”.
he picked up a huge stick to chase me away.
And so I had to run.
I was so scared that I didn’t pay attention to
where I was running to until I ran into him…..
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