Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 25


oh sh*t

A familiar voice echoed through my ears and I closed my eyes hoping that the ground would swallow me whole.

“Max” I whispered.

“shh I’m invisible”

“okay sorry”

I then pretended to be invisible with him but that didn’t work as a dark shadow cast over my eyes making me sink with worry.

I peeked through my eyelid and saw a tall figure with an extremely angry expression of his face. uh oh.

“hiiiii Harry” I smiled widely.

“It’s Mr Styles to you,young lady, now get up!” his hands were on his hips and his eyebrows were furrowed together.

I sat up and he pulled my arm so I was stood on my two unstable legs.

“you too Max”

“but sir, max is invisible” I tried to reasonably explain to him, but he just didn’t understand.

“oh I’m sure he is…max if you don’t get up this instance I’m permanently excluding you!” 4

These words made max spring up to his feet and look as sorry as he possible could.

“turns out he’s not invisible anymore” I stated.

“quiet Rosaline, I don’t want another word out of you”

His low,snappy voice sent shivers through my body and I couldn’t help but feel excitement. I knew I was in trouble but right now I was still as high as a kite and my emotions were all I’ve the place.

Me and max both followed him, it all seemed so familiar. I might be experiencing deja vu.

I sat patiently outside of Mr Styles’ office, waiting for him to call me in as he was interrogating Max.

A few long minutes passed and the door clicked open and Max gave me a hug and told me it’ll be fine and walked away.

Max never hugs me, what did Harry say to him ? and what does he mean everything will be fine? everything is not fine. My teacher caught me smoking weed, and may I add it wasn’t the first time…so how could everything be fine?

“Rosaline come in” his deep voice erupted from his room, time for me to get killed 🙂 pray for me guys…

“sit”. he ordered.

From the moment I stepped into the room his eyes had not left mine. It’s almost like he was trying to read what I was thinking, he definitely knew I was repeating the words oh sh*t in my head, there’s no doubt about it.

“Seriously Rosie again?”

“i-im so- “

“don’t speak…I don’t even know what to do with you anymore, I thought we agreed you wouldn’t do this again” his face furrowed.

“I know im- “

“I thought I told you to not speak!” his hand slammed onto the desk in front, making me jump.

“…do I scare you Rosie?” amusement laced in his voice.

“n-no” I spoke.

“then why are you stuttering” a devilish smirk was plastered on his stupid face.

“i-im not” I mentally cursed.

“You know what lying could get you so I suggest you stop” he warned me.

“What are you going to do to me?”

“the question is Rosie, what am I not going to do to you”

he smirked.

A sense of fear enticed my body and I swallowed hard at the thought, I was now getting off my high and now I felt like sh*t.

Suddenly a wave of pain entered my arm and I winced at the shock. I looked down at my knuckles and they were now all red and bruised, thanks a lot Zayn…I just hope my hand isn’t broken.

I quickly looked up to see if Harry had noticed and due to my amazing luck today, he had.

I managed to scurry my hand under my sleeve so he wouldn’t see. I looked at him with wide eyes and I coukd see that his strong exterior had been broken down into a worried expression.

“Baby …what’s wrong? what are you hiding in your sleeve?” he got up from his chair and walked over to me, he crouched down to my level and put out his hands in front of me.

“let me see please” He spoke softly.

I slowly took out my hand from my sleeve and put it in his. He inspected it closely making me hiss in pain everytime he moved it.

“what did you do?”

“there’s a likely chance I may or may not have punched someone…”

“Rosie please tell me you didn’t punch a poor old granny in the face” he looked genuinely serious, as if I would do that! 13

“no i would never do that, it was actually a baby” I joked,making him smile.

“I should’ve known you wouldn’t steep as low as punching an old lady… but seriously Rosie who was it”

“you know that boy , Zayn?”

“yes…” I could see the name angered him in many ways which was extremely over dramatic if I do say so myself.

“..well he happened to bump into me, or was it the other way round, I don’t remember, anyways I was angry at him so I punched him…he called me a b*tch and that’s it really”

“Rosie you are a handful,you know that right?”

“yeah I assumed so”

“come with me, let me bandage you up”

I knew this could’ve escalated but I’m glad I punched Zayn since it got me out of trouble(…I think), and I gave him what he deserved.. a good old punch in the face.

Now everything can go back to normal..right?

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