Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1
Amaka’s head was on my lap, And I was using my hands to braid her hair romantically. I don’t really know how to sing but there was a particular song I usually sang for her Whenever she’s with me. It was this song I was singing, When amaka stood up and turned to me. She seems unhappy, so I was worried.
“Love, I’m afraid” she muttered.
“Why are you afraid? I asked her curiously.
“You know you’re now going to school. Not just a school, but higher institution,Not just a higher institution, But UNILAG, where beautiful ladies are, Pleases do not forget me, Remember how we started.” Amaka said, as tears started rolling down from her eyes
I immediately cuddled her, as I rest her head on my chest.
“Amaka, You know how much I love you. I really love you. I do. I really do. No Girl, I repeat, No Girl can ever take your love out of my heart. Put your mind at rest.” I assured her.
She was beaming, As her frowning face was changing to a smilling face slowly.
She then told me
“Make a promise to me that you would never leave me. No matter what” Amaka said.
After she said this, I held her hands, I filled the holes in her fingers with my fingers and then I made a promise
“I promise not to ever leave you, Amaka, My village lover” I said.
The “Village lover” path made her smiled. She doesn’t really like it when I called her “My village lover” but she usually smile whenever I said that, So I always called her that whenever I want her to smile.
The next day’s morning, I was set to leave to Lagos, Carrying my bags on my shoulder, when Amaka showed up.
“You’re set to leave, love? ” she asked with smile.
Her smilling face was bitter. I knew she wasn’t really happy. She was just being strong.
“Yes, Darling” I responded.
Amaka then removed the bags from my shoulder and then escorted me till we reach the bus garage where I would board a commercial bus to Lagos. She was there with me untill the bus was filled with passengers.
As the bus was about to be going, Amaka, My lover, drew love symbol with her hand and then she started crying. I couldn’t hold my tears too. I was also crying.
Then next day As I stepped into the university of Lagos, I was checking everywhere : The buildings, The lecture rooms and everywhere, When I saw a young beautiful lady who sat down alone in a lecture room. So I approached her.
“Hi, My name is heamam” I said, Cheerfully.
“Hi, I’m Ada” she responded.
Ada was such a very beautiful and pretty young lady, But because of the deep love I had for my lover, Amaka, I didn’t see Ada’s comeliness as anything.
“Please, Where’s the library of this school? ” I asked her
Then she stood up from where she seated and pointed at the library.
“Oh thanks ” I said.
As I was about to leave, She tapped me from the back and said
“You’re such a cute- handsome young man”
I looked at myself and felt somehow special.
“Oh really! Thanks for the admiration” I said, As I smiled.
I thought she had done talking, so I turned back again. As I was about to be going again, She tapped me again.
“I’m studying English. I’m in 200l. What about you? ” she asked.
I beamed and sighed.
” You’re our senior, ma. I just gained admission. Today is even my first day in school.” I said.
“Well it doesn’t really matter. Love doesn’_” she was saying, when she stopped talking all of a sudden.
“Oh sorry” she said.
“It’s fine” I responded.
“Please can I have your whà tsapp number? ” she requested.
“Well, No problem ”
She brought out her phone from her golden purse, It was a new iphone13. She looked rich. Well, I collected the phone from her and put my number there.
It was a Whatsapp call that woke me up the next day’s morning. As I checked it, it was from an unknown number. The number had sent me messages. So I hurriedly check them.
“Hi, Heamam, This is Ada” she sent, followed by three love emojis.
“Hope you slept well, dearie ” another one with kissy kissy emojis.
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