Episode 28

She sang from worship to praise worship and acknowledging God all the way. “Father as a sinner I come before you, because is not by merits but by mercy, no by class but by christ, not by any university degree but by your decree, I come to say I’m sorry, (she wiped her running nose) I have sinned against you, lord have pity on me, you said in your word “that you would be the voice to the voiceless, you said when they cry to you you will raise in your anger and fight for them, jesus I have been silent by the one I have given my all, the love I have loved more than I loved myself. What can I run to, who will fight for a nobody like me, so I am here at your feet, you that fight a war without raising dust, come and fight for me (she wept more) pastor Chris took it from her, he held her hand.

PASTOR: Lord, I bring your daughter before you, you said we should call you in times of need and you would answer, the set time has come lord, answer your daughter.

He prayed and prayed, her sight was still the same but she knew in her heart that she had found peace with God her father.

The pastor asked her to do a three days fasting, Benny accepted without complaining, she can’t even remember the last time she ate since her problem began, she never left the alter, “only God can do it ” she said to herself.

*the native doctor knew something was off a chain was broken, which he wasn’t sure of, so he took his phone and called Anita

NATIVE DOC: There is fire on the mountain, your sister you need to fine her, kill her by sending people to do it, else you are doom.

ANITA: Calm down baba, I don’t understand you, you told me not to touch them, what’s happening now?

NATIVE DOC: Anywhere she is right now? She is causing me trouble, she is seeking help from the one our power came from.

ANITA: I still don’t understand

NATIVE DOC: Stop being an idiot lady, your sister is in church, or anywhere I can’t see it clearly but where she is she is seeking God for help, and believe me things have start going wrong here.

ANITA: What? D–n how did that happen, where I’m I suppose to look for her now?

NATIVE DOC: I don’t know, just look for anywhere you think you she can be.

ANITA: I will try. (she hung up) feeling anger burning through her, why does she has to bring me so much trouble she thought. She carried her phone and called her long time friend Erica

ERICA: Hello who this)

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