Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 3

Dani’s Pov:

I walked into Cristine’s office

She was already seated with her eyes fixed on the desktop computer ?

After the heartbreak she received, she have practically face her life on work.

She hates ALL men with passion.

With the believe that they are all the same.

“Hey girl” I said as I sat heavily on the chair opposite her.

She didn’t say a word, she continued working.

She’s obviously still furious with me.

I tapped her gently with a pleading face

“Am sorry already Crisy please
.” I pleaded

She only nodded still looking annoyed.

I quickly tickled her and she burst into laughter.

“You made me so angry Daniella” She said giving me a deadly glare.

I winked at her and she sneered.

“Am sorry but you were a little too harsh on the poor guy” I said

She scoffed.

“Poor guy you say
. That man is married if you must know” Cristine said so sure.

I shook my head in confusion.

“And how did you know?” I asked anxiously

“I saw a ring mark in his shirt’s breast pocket” She said as I laughed loudly.

“What if it’s not actually a ring?” I laughed.

She frowned her face and sighed.

“Fine! But he was just trying to communicate” I said as she clicked her tongue loudly.

“Nobody begged for his communication” She muttered almost inaudibly.

I yawned hungrily.

“You know you actually made me starve” I groaned as she burst into laughter.

“You know you should get yourself a waist trainer cos your tummy is almost bulging out” She teased and I slapped her playfully.

Cristine’s Pov:

I glanced at the wall clock and gasped.

It’s already late

Dani have gone home and I was the only one in the office.

After what I encountered in the hands of James, I become such a workaholic.

I spend almost all of my time working.

Believe me when I say love is not my kinda thing.

That shit doesn’t exist

It does two years ago after James made a fool out of me all in the name of love.

I summarized what I was doing as I picked up my handbag and cell phone.

I walked out of the office.


The sound of my heels was on the only noise I can hear all over the place.

One could hear the sound of a pin.

I hopped into my car immediately and speeded off.

? ?

Few minutes later

I was already home!

I have nowhere else to go and Dani won’t be coming over at my place.

She has a dinner date with her boyfriend or should I say fiance Felix.

Though Felix have been very nice to her and to me, I still have doubts about him.

I walked into my extraordinary mansion

To people it’s a very big house but to me,,,, it’s my lonely crib.

I walked in after letting out a soft sigh.

The maids already served dinner at the dinning.

I walked upstairs tiredly rubbing my eyes.

I got into my room and jumped tiredly on the bed heavily.

I almost slept off due to tiredness but I had to take a shower.

I took off my jewelries slowly.

That was when I noticed I wasn’t putting on my wrist watch

“Where could it be?” I thought as I searched my handbag.

but it wasn’t there

Actually it was a gift from my dad before he died!

it’s actually very expensive.

That was his last gift before he became late.

I scratched my head.

It’s very important to me

I breathed heavily.

I’ll have to take my birth before looking for it
 I concluded.

? ?

I got out of the bathroom with my bathrobe.

My cell phone rang aloud.

It was a business client.

I quickly picked up the phone

?Good Evening Mr Wong? I greeted sharply

?Same here Miss Cruz! I called to remind you of the meeting tomorrow? He said

My face beamed with smiles.

?OK sir
.? I said

?Just call me Wong! Be formal with me Cristine? He said with a creepy laugh.

I frowned
 He would have noticed if he were there with me.

?Good night? I said as I hung up quickly.

“Men will always be men! Can’t they stop flirting?” I said angrily.

I still have to find my wrist watch.

I wonder where I dropped it.

I continued searching though and some thing fell out of my bag.

It was my inhaler

It skipped my mind to tell you guys

The truth is that am suffering from asthma attack.

Am asthmatic
. ?

I picked it up and dropped it inside my drawer.

I picked up my calendar and flipped the pages.

 All the maids are on leave tomorrow!

I almost forgot!

For three days actually so I’ll have to do the kitchen stuffs on my own.

Ooh! I still have to find my watch

I’ll eat first

I walked out of the room now in my pyjamas.


I was ready for office as usual.

The maids are all gone as well

I give them the leave because I want them to rest as well unlike me.

I was at the dinning eating breakfast when I heard a the doorbell ring loudly.

? Who could that be? ? I thought aloud as I got up quickly and made for the door.

I opened the door and gasped.

Guess who? ??

“Good morning!” His voice rang into my ears


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