Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1
Agbele, Agbele, Agbele. Mummy am coming. Agbele Wt happened to u? Mummy I don’t understand. Agbele open ur left palm let me see. Mummy Wt na! Agbele u are pregnant. Mummy how? When? Agbele I have been observing u for the past two weeks now, even yesterday early morning I saw u vomiting. Mummy I don’t have a boyfriend beside am still small to be pregnant.
Agbele look at me very well, did I resemble a mother who u can deceive? Mummy am not pregnant, impossible. Agbele I swear to God if I take u to Omega hospital tomorrow and the doctor confirm u pregnant, Agbele u must leave my house I don’t want to know anything. U must not bring shame to this family and u also know ur Daddy, he can skin u alive.
Mummy I know myself, I can never be pregnant just like that, God forbid. Mummy that vomiting u are saying is just a sign of malerial fever. Ok oooo I heard u, pls check that rice on fire, test the salt and the pepper weather is ok. Alright mummy. The next day Agbele quickly took her bathe, dressed up, waiting patiently for her mummy. E no time her mom also came out and took her to Omega hospital for a pregnancy test. Five people were on queue before them. They was a woman sat very close to them.
She was looking at Agbele with style. The woman was just imagining who got this teenage girl pregnant. U know some women are good at that. When he got to their turn, the doctor took her blood for a test. After like 40 minutes their result was ready. The doctor was lost in thought. He looked at Agbele, he looked at the result again.
Agbele was confidence on herself. The doctor couldn’t hold it anymore. Madam, Wt is ur daughter name again? Doctor I think I told you the other time. Yes madam I know u told me but I just ask to comfirm. Ok her name is Agbele Ocheje. Madam pls excuse us for just 2 minutes. Doctor hope no problem? Nothing madam. The woman just left the doctor office without argument. Agbele was just shinning her eyes. She was not feeling comfortable anymore.
The doctor asked, Agbele pls tell me the truth, who got u pregnant? Doctor me? Pregnant? God forbid. Agbele the result shows u are pregnant. Doctor how? Agbele I should be the one to ask u. Doctor u have to re-run the test again bcoz I can never be pregnant. Agbele pls tell me the truth so that I can explain to ur mummy better. Doctor pls don’t tell my mummy.
Ok I won’t tell her. Now tell me who got u pregnant? Doctor the only thing I remember was last month, my friend faith birthday we went to Alor river a boundary between us and Anambra state to celebrate the birthday. We were at the river when 2 guys came. All our power to over come them was in vain. They r@ped us. That was the only day I had sex. It was even the guy that disvirgin me but when we got home me and my friend mixed salt and water and we drank.
My friend told me nothing would happen again. Agbele u should have tell ur mom. Doctor my mummy can kill me if I tell her I went to that river. Agbele help me call ur mom I want to personally talk to her. Agbele went outside with tears.
Agbele Wt happened to you? Agbele kept mute. Agbele talk to me, Wt did the doctor do to u? Mummy nothing the doctor want to see u. The woman just entered the doctor office angrily. Doctor Wt happened to my daughter? Madam please calm down. Pls madam u have to take easy. Doctor Wt? Madam ur daughter is now a month pregnant. Wt ? My daughter? Madam please calm down. Doctor Agbele is just 15 years old girl. Madam please before u leave don’t try anything abortion on her, if u do u will loss her. Her health couldn’t take that. The woman went outside angrily Agbele was no where to be found.
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