Episode 33

Fiona sat on the bed in her bedroom,the events that took place at the sitting room, replayed in her head.
What was Tiara’s gain in doing all she was doing? Why was Tiara tormenting her life? No,not only her life but everyone else’s as well and she intended to put a stop on it and that was what she was going to do,if only Joshua was by side, if only Joshua had stopped her but which he hadn’t done because he wanted her gone. God! he hadn’t even called her.

Joshua didn’t love her anymore and it was all Tiara’s doing and she was going to make sure Tiara pays for all the wrong she has gone, starting with knowing what that document is,but she wasn’t going to find anything if she lets Tiara get to her or by locking herself up in her room.

Fiona stood up,opened the door and stepped out, on her haunt to find more about the document but the question that kept ringing in her head as she descended down the stairs was- How?

Joshua stood in the kitchen, trying to fix himself what he considered a breakfast even though it was well past breakfast. A breakfast he knew he had no appetite in eating, thinking of Fiona.
Why had she left him?- He was still trying to figure out the answer to that question.

She had left him alone. She had left him feeling alone. He needed Fiona. He hadn’t bothered called her because he knew she couldn’t want to talk to him.
He carried his sandwich to the sitting room,then it dawned on him that he couldn’t live without Fiona. He sat down as an idea- or a plan formed in his head. Yes,he thought to himself, he was going to bring Fiona home.

Steve had thought of many ways to convince Robert that Pedro should be kept alive but came out with none.
How on earth would he kill his childhood friend all because of a man who doesn’t respect people nor their feelings. Truth was,he was tired of working for Robert.
Robert doesn’t appreciate a thing someone does for him.

There was no way on earth he was going to put a hit on Pedro but he was going to obey his boss’s order and place a hit on that Tiara.

Fiona stepped into the sitting room and saw Pedro sitting all by himself.
In his black jacket which he wore a light green shirt which wasn’t tucked in,on a well worn blue jean.

She had to agree to herself, the guy sitting all by himself was cute,really cute,Fiona thought as she made her way to him.
“Hey”,she started
She sat down “Where’s Tiara?”
“She’s having a talk with Liza outside”
What were they talking about and why hadn’t they stayed inside?- Fiona asked herself
“Okay. So tell me, what plans is Tiara making now?”
“I think you should her, don’t you think so?”
“No,I don’t. Why don’t you tell me more about the document?”
“What document?”
“The document Tiara and you…….”,the door opened, revealing Tiara and Liza. Tiara’s face unreadable but Liza’s face said it all and all it said was- trouble
“What’s the problem?”,Fiona asked
“You have a visitor”,Liza said
A glance at Liza’s face,one would tell she couldn’t hold back herself any longer.

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