Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 22

” The real name given to you by your biological mother was Ojimaojo Audu” Daughter of Fire revealed and Mr Samuel became shocked with his mouth opened agape.

He had been living in the city of Enugu for more than 20years, but nobody knew him there by his native Igala name except old friends who comes around once in a while who still call him ‘Oj”.

“Samuel is baptismal name you acquired shortly before you came to live in Enugu. Am I lying?” She asked starring into his eyes for confirmation.

“Yes, you are right. You’re not lying” he replied panting very hard. And the woman of God shook her head and looked at him with pity.

“Friends calls you Mr Sammy now, but you were popularly called ‘The Psalmist’ in time past” she revealed again and the man began to cry.

“Yes! Yes!” He responded crying at the same time. The large crowd became quiet and looked on with surprises ,those who were close to him never knew these facts about him,not even the Pastor.

“Sir, you have been through a lot” she told him and he nodded his head in agreement.

“you used to love the Lord from your childhood and life was treating you well” she said looking at him as he nodded to everything she said,

“Until that night in your room some 24years ago” she continued and he fell down on his knees and began to cry louder and shouting,

“Ah! Ah! Have mercy Lord”

“You were just returning home from Lokoja after a very powerful song ministration..” Revealed and the man continued responding

“Yes ma,yes ma,yes
” With his head nodding repeatedly.

“You thought you had a strong urge to have sex, but that was beyond a normal sexual urge” she revealed and people began to mumble words among themselves,

“Hmmm..”, ” humm!.. Eeh!
” People who knows him very well murmured . The woman of God became silent and allowed the people to reduce their noises before she continued.

“I would have loved to make this revelations about you confidential, but the Lord have not allowed me to do so.

He wants to use your experiences to teach many young people here listening to me” the woman of God said apologetically but Mr Samuel was not even perturbed or embarrassed about the revelation or about what people might say afterwards.

He was more concerned about knowing the cause of his predicaments and then receiving his deliverance right away.

“Do you want me to tell you about yourself now ?” The woman of God asked him and he jumped to his feet shouting,

“Yes ma,yes ma..”

“As a young man,you lived alone and never welcomed women into your house” she began,”

“You made it a principle that the only lady that would enter your house would be your wife and that should be after the wedding and you had kept to that principle until that night. Am I right? ”

She asked and he nodded in the affirmative with his hands on his head in amazement.

“You allowed that young girl into your room out of pity and because you also thought that nothing would happen between the two of you since she was no where close to your class or taste. You were only trying to help her

She was saying but Mr Samuel wouldn’t allow her to finish up her statement as he kept shouting,

“Yes ma, yes yes
I just wanted to save her from danger..” He explained crying.

“Can you listen to me let me tell you why you suddenly lost control and had intercourse with her even when ordinarily nothing could have attracted you in her?” She asked him trying to stop his explanations and he nodded, anxiously waiting to hear the reason.

“Before you were born,” Daughter of fire began,

“Your father promised his gods that you will serve them but your mother on the other hand made a promise to God that if He give her a male child, she will give him back to God just as Hannah did in the Bible.

So when you were born, your mother secretly took you to a small church opened by White men in a neighbouring and they dedicated you to God. The men of God made so many utterances over your life that day and then gave you back to your mother who went home and continued reinforcing those utterances secretly and unknown to your father.

When the occasion of covenanting you with the god’s of your father came,your mother objected and a fight ensued between your parents. In the process of struggling over you,you fell off your father’s hands and you were picked up dead in blood.

Your mother didn’t believed that you were dead,so she bundled you with the blood and ran to the church where she had dedicated you to God. She laid you on the altar and began to call upon the God of heaven to remember her covenant and how she had kept her part faithfully by dedicating the child to Him.

Just when she was beginning to get tired of praying, you began to cry,she rushed over to you and picked you up alive. You were barely four months old when this incident took place. ” Daughter of Fire narrated as everyone opened their mouths watching her,then she continued.

“Your mother refused to return back home for fear that your father would come for you again, so she remained in the church for few days until the news of your father’s death came to her.

The god’s struck him to death for not keeping to his promises concerning you. So, your father’s brothers, barred your mother from ever returning to her husband’s house.

The church built a tent house for her on a plot of land very close to the church and she lived with you there and continued with the utterances until the day she died. She personally named you, ‘Ojimaojo’ saying,

” This my son, shall bring God glory “.

From that time, two powers have been battling over your life and destiny
” The woman of God continued..

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