Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 34

Mike’s POV ?

I’ll start with Vanessa,

Because Don is in the police station

They made me put my classmates lives at risk just because of money

They tried to poison me to death just because of their instincts

Why would anymore do that?

I mean, I know was foolish to believe people who sell humans as commodities to politicians and wealthy people

But I just needed the money for education, I didn’t realize that I was at risk too

I’m gonna kill all of them


Vanessa’s house wasn’t that hard to find, since she is popular in this city and she owns some of the best companies in the country. Getting to her won’t be difficult

Her house filled with security cameras, I wasn’t surprised because evil people are always nervous

I passed through a hole in the wall

It was a broken entrance, it was due to repairs the builders were giving to the house

I tiptoed and hide behind a car

Some bouncers were at the entrance, so it would be very difficult passing through them

Oh God, what should I do

I turned, and sighted a workers best hung on a rope

I’ve got an idea

I put it on and pretended to be one of the workers

“Hey, where to?” One of the bouncers asked

“Uhmm, the boss asked me to get some equipment inside”

“But there are no equipment inside, didn’t your boss tell you that it was signed in the contract that no one is allowed to enter”


What other way can I get in?

“Oh I totally forgot, can I at least get a cup of water?”

The bouncers looked at me in some kind of a weird way

“Ok, come on in. You just have two minutes” they instructed

“Yeah, will do”

I walked in gently, to avoid any suspicion


The house really look nice on the inside

Flower vases were kept at each corner of the wall

There were stutues of animals at the right hand corner of the sitting room

“This woman really have good taste for interior design”

I wanted her death to be slow, so I decided to take my time

After the sitting room, I went straight for her

There were many rooms, I couldn’t decipher which one was hers

Of course, she’s the only one living here, but she can’t be using the rooms at a time

Getting closer, I heard a faint voice, it must be her

I got closer and closer and then opened the door slowly

I got in, she wasn’t inside

Maybe she’s in the bathroom

Oh no, I can’t go into the bathroom, she might be naked

But I really have to kill this woman and get out quick. Because I just have a minute left before the bouncers come to get me

I opened the door to the bathroom..

She wasn’t there

“I thought I heard her voice” i whispered to myself

“Looking for me” a voice suddenly asked behind me

It was Vanessa!

“Uhmm.. yeah”

I was shivering

“Oh God, what’s happening to me?”

“You know Mike, I really like you. Even when we were at that house planning johnbull’s kidnap. I really enjoyed your company”

There is one thing I’ve trying to erase from my head, it was about Vanessa

While we were at that house, Vanessa and I usually have sex

She used that thing to glue me down

At first, she raped me but continually, I couldn’t resist it

“Didn’t you enjoy what I gave you, Mike?”

“No I didn’t, you wicked woman, you made me risk someone’s life just because of money, and then you decided to kill me”

“No, I didn’t try to kill you, it was the fake doctor. He tried to poison you so that he could take your money”

“That’s pure lie Vanessa”

“No I’m not. Ok let me show that I’m not lying”

She moved her hand to her shoulder and dropped her gown slowly

“No no.. please don’t do…”

Her clothes dropped




Wonder’s POV ?

Oh my god, what is he doing here?

“Emm, who are you and why are you looking at me like that?” Johnbull asked

“No nothing, I’m just surprised seeing you here”

“Have we met before?”

“Yes of course, we are classmates Johnbull”

“Oh I see, can you please excuse me, as you can see, I want to take my bath”

“Oh no probs, sorry for intruding”

I turned immediately and headed for the dinning

Deborah was still there

She had this face that kind of say, “what took you so long?”

“Hey Wonder, I tried stopping you”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“About what exactly?”

“Johnbull in your house”

“Oh, that’s what I tried telling you before you ran into the guest room”



“What is he doing here? I mean it’s not as if you guys are married yet”

“What! Wonder we are not dating. He came because he didn’t have anywhere to go”

“What about his house?”

“His mother is nowhere to be found, and the landlord locked their room because of rent bill”

“Oh I see”

“And please stop saying he’s my boyfriend”



“Look at this one oo. Weren’t you the one that was blushing when we discussed it while coming home”

“I wasn’t”

“Please spare me the lies”

“You truly love him Deborah. It’s all over you”

“Yeah.. I know. But it’s kind of not real to me. I mean, I feel this is infatuation. You know, it’s really stupid to fall in love with Johnbull”


“Come on Deborah, there is nothing wrong with Johnbull”

“Yeah! And yet he’s arrogant, stubborn, stupid and.. hmmph, I just don’t know”

“No, he will change when you show him love. You know, he is not that stubborn, he is just kind of defending himself”

“I don’t think I like johnbull anymore”

“Why are you calling my name”




Eunice’s POV ?


“No no no.. doctor, that’s impossible. My husband is not giving out any kidney”

“Madam, we are only trying to save someone here, we are not trying to take his kidney”

“Can you hear yourself doctor?”

“Eunice, you don’t really need to shout at the doctor..”

“No let me shout Luke, people can’t just do things out of pity”


“Luke please don’t stop me. Now listen to me doc, if this is a plan, then it’s not gonna work. There are 7 billion in the world, so therefore, there are enough kidneys to save her life”

“But ma’am..”

“Doc, please find another way, my husband’s kidney cannot be taken”

“We are..”

“Doctor, what’s your problem? I said find another way”

“Eunice, just let him talk”

“Thank you sir, ma since you won’t allow us, then we would try another person as you’ve ordered”

“But Eunice, don’t you think they might not find a matching kidney to Sarah’s own”

“What are you talking about, Luke?”

“You know the doctor said she has a limited number of time and she’s carrying a baby”

“No we are not going to do that”


“Luke please don’t say anything else… Why don’t we try Xavier’s own”





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