Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8

Violet’s POV:

Today, was a Tuesday. We had no maths class on Tuesdays so it seems pretty fair to relax and focus on other things besides calculations. Usually, we get excited at the thought of having a day off maths but today seemed different. Everyone especially the girls were hungering for some maths lessons. Some even made a suggestion of having extra lessons after dismissal.

I wasn’t interested in whatever they were planning. I definitely wasn’t in a good mood today. Because of what happened last night, I didn’t take dinner nor breakfast this morning before leaving for school. I felt like I acted like a jerk. Like seriously, it made me accept the fact that I was working myself up for nothing.

Adam was back, sure I was mad at him for leaving without telling me but was I supposed to take it that far?

Groaning, I placed my head on my desk and began thinking out loud. ” Should I apologise to him for my outburst last night? Nah, I can’t. He’s the one at fault. He should be the one apologising to me.”

I tapped my legs impatiently on the ground. ” But on second thought, maybe I really did need to apologise to him. But how do I face him and let him know I was sorry for what happened?”

How about, ” Hey Adam, I feel like you did me wrong, you know, running off like that without letting me know. That’s why I acted soo strange last night. I’m ready to forgive you, if you say your sorry…”

I gritted my teeth, knowing that wasn’t the best way to come about this issue. I should be the one apologising not him. Still, I felt like I deserve some apologies too.

Instead of going out to meet him in the staffroom, I waited for him to call for me. Yeah, I was that stubborn.

But he never called for me. This got me worried. He passed my class twice but he refused to give me a glance. Oh come on, you don’t have to start ignoring me now do you?

Then the dismissal bell rang. Liz stayed behind for her private lessons. That left me walking home alone. Just as I was about to turn around a bend, I saw Adam.

Instantly, I halted to a stop and hid behind a car nearby. Adam was with a girl. I regarded the girl closely, trying to figure out where I might’ve seen her before. She was wearing my uniform and from her skirts and short sleeve uniform I knew instantly that she was a junior student, possibly from JSS.3.

Then I recognized her from her huge boobs and pretty face. Wait a second, isn’t that the busty chick? The same junior student who’s been causing a lot of controversies between the seniors and the teaching staff. What’s her name again?


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