Episode 21

She has never wished him dead of even thought of death. She was only resolved to hope and whatever fate await her but death has never crossed her thought and now this people point an accusing finger at her.
She had come into this household hoping to be a good wife and to bear children but everything she hoped for was dashed.
It must be that the God of Lord Amos Father and same God Lord Amos claim to serve had struck these two young men dead. Lord Amos mentioned that too the day Kuwe died. He said it was the God of heaven that struck Kuwe dead for his evil heart but now that Rolf is gone too Lord Amos is quiet and did not mention God, he looked at her suspiciously just like others.

Lord Amos did not say anything. He sat with his friend and guzzled wine just to forget his trouble.

Zoe knew that his father inlaw thinks is her fault that his sons died, he doesn’t believe that God struck them anymore. He did not even bother to stop the insult, the accusing fingers and the heavy stare on her. The death is strange and she wondered who will be next. Will the same God struck her, Shelar, Lady Samar or Amos himself. This household was doom. They live a carefree lives, doing and practicing whatever they pleases without considering the repercussion. “…God is not a man he is a consuming fire and he hates sin…”

The word dropped in Zoe’s heart and she began to wonder where she heard such word before. Is probably from Lord Amos or from Alia who also has a little knowledge about the God of heaven.

When Lord Amos looked at her, all she saw was his anger, suspicion and fear. He was looking for who to blame for all the mishap that has befallen his family, a person to blame for his carelessness and mistake of not guiding his family in the right way. And everyone in the household pointed to her. She was to be blame for everything and for all the mistake every one of them made. Lord Amos cast blame on her.

The mourning days continued and Lady Samar will not rest until she sees that Zoe was cast off.

Lady Samar’s hatred permeated the whole house, Zoe couldn’t escape from it.
“I want her out of this house and far away from my family…she has killed all my sons and planned to make me childless. She is a witch and supposed to be burnt alive. That girl you brought into this household has taken everything from me, she has rendered me childless except for my last son. I want her to be thrown out…send her away….
Lady Samar howled like an angry Lion. She was shouting at the top of her voice as she speak with Lord Amos. Who refused to say anything. He sat still without a word.
Didn’t Lady Samar understand that by stroking a fire it will burn faster? She was the one destroying her household. She should have gone to plead to the God of heaven whom she offend to have mercy on her and her entire family.
Why did Lord Amos sit and brood in silence, letting his family to fall apart around him.

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