Episode 25

Klarissa’s POV

I couldn’t lie, I was a little disappointed when nothing was said between Lily and I about our encounter on Friday.

We were back to usual, like nothing had ever happened. Like I hadn’t kissed her and she hadn’t kissed me back.

It was a typical Monday morning, depressed kids everywhere. We sat at our usual morning bench, across from each other.

“I’ve got a plan,” I said, looking over at Lily.

“Is it about exposing Daryl?” Lily asked, seriously.

“Yes. We need to put a camera into his van. We need to catch some footage, even though that sounds awful. We need to send the footage off to the police, and they need to send him off to juvenile detention,” I rambled.

“How will we do that exactly? How will we get the camera into his van? I can’t go in there, anyway. I don’t think I could. It would bring back too many bad memories. And what if he catches us?” Lily asked, panicking.

“We’ll work this out. But we have to do something, because we’re not letting him continue to assault girls.” I said passionately.

Lily nodded. She seemed distant.

“Are you okay?” I asked her softly.

“I’m fine. I just- I’m scared of him, Klarissa,” she said.

“What if he discovers what we’re doing and hurts us? He’s strong.”

“Lily,” I said, wishing I could place my hand on her shoulder or knee to comfort her, but I couldn’t from where I was sitting.

“It’ll be alright. We’ll be careful,” I smiled at her.

She blushed, looking down.

“Hey,” someone said from behind me. I turned around to see Paris, the girl with long, blonde hair from the social. Adam, the boy with the slick brown hair was still attached to her side. Behind them was Alice, the girl with red hair, and Emily, the girl with dark blue hair, as well as Steve, the quiet boy who had been wearing the minion costume.

“Hey,” I said. Lily smiled at them.

“Can we sit with you guys?” Adam asked. Not once did he remove himself from Paris’s body.

“Sure,” I said, smiling. They seemed nice. They all sat around the table with us.

“What happened to you guys at the social? You weren’t there for the game,” Alice asked.

“Oh. I started feeling sick,” Lily said.

“We sat out the front for the rest of the night so that I could get some fresh air,”

I nodded. It was true.

“You’re so lucky you left. Daryl was being a dickhead and getting all over lots of the girls. That boy needs to get a life.” Emily said.

“Anyway, you guys are really cute,” Alice gushed, running her fingers through her red hair.

I gave her a confused look. What did she mean?

“What do you mean?” Lily asked before I had a chance to.

“The pictures that dickhead posted. I know he was making fun of you guys, but there’s literally nothing wrong with being gay. He shouldn’t have outed you, but the pictures are pretty cute,” Paris continued.

“Oh no,” I said, putting my face into my hands.

“Klarissa,” Lily said, moving to my side of the table so that she could wrap her arm around my back.

“It’s true that I’m a lesbian,” I said, looking up at the people around the table.

“But I didn’t want the world to know yet. And especially not this way,”

“That’s fair enough,” Emily said, nodding.

“Lily and I aren’t even dating,” I continued, as Lily shifted by my side.

“Really?” Alice asked.

“Don’t mind me asking, but what was this about then?” She turned her phone around to show a picture of Lily and I, lips glued together. It looked like it was much more than what it was. What creep was watching us and taking pictures of us when we left the hall?

I blushed. How could I explain that? I shrugged. “I-I-“

“You don’t have to explain if you don’t want to,” Alice continued, putting her phone away.

“I’m worried that my dad will see these pictures. He’s majorly homophobic. He’ll kill me if he sees these,” I said, my face still in my hands.

“Don’t worry. We’ll kill him before he kills you if he doesn’t support you,” Alice said.

“And don’t feel like you’re alone in this.” Emily said.

“Sometimes when you realise you’re not straight, unlike most of the population, you can feel alone. Especially when pictures are posted like this in such a negative way. It makes you feel different when you’re really just like everybody else. Your sexuality and gender don’t define you. And we all know that firsthand,”

“Yeah. I’m bisexual,” Paris said.

“Me too,” Adam said, shrugging.

“I’m pan, and Emily’s gay,” Alice said.

“I’m asexual,” Steve said quietly, smiling. It was the first time I’d heard him say anything all morning.

“So welcome to our mini LGBTQ+ club. Where all are accepted,” Emily said, smiling.

Despite all that had happened, I smiled. It was nice to have some new friends who were accepting of me.

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