Episode 20

And the call was already switching to the caller.

Kalima: – don’t tell me you are still in bed

Pezo: sorry but who am I talking to?
Kalima: why don’t you guess? I would be the happiest if you would guess right
Pezo just smiled. She had spent so much time with him the previous day to miss his voice.
Pezo: listen- am so sorry

Kalima: come on- its 15 minutes past 11 O’clock in the morning. You have less than 20minutes to
prepare yourself. Your bestie and I are already on our way to you house.

Pezo: [a little confused] what- Karl No
Kalima: Am not buying any excuses from you after you promised to take me around the city.
Pezo: Listen- I can’t –

And the line got cut. Pezo felt so disturbed and she had a terrible headache because of the
manner in which she woke up. Not caring, she went back to bed and in a few minutes she was
sleeping again. In approximately about 30 minutes, it was Mrs. Chinyama who now entered the
room and began to wake up
Pezo: Mummy please- cant I for once get my rest?

Mrs. Chinyama: well you don’t have to blame me- Kalima is downstairs- he said he just spoke to
you before coming here.

Pezo: Please tell him I can’t accompany him mum- I still need my rest [she turned the other side]

Mrs. Chinyama: Oh no child- you are getting out of this bed right this minute. You have a guest
and you won’t embarrass us by doing this.

Pezo: I owe him nothing mummy. He just called as he was already on his way. Am sorry but am
not seeing him

Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo!! Grow up and stop behaving like a little girl. Am getting out of this room.

Remember that you have a guest waiting for you downstairs… do not embarrass us.
She had never disobeyed her parents. She actually wasn’t left with any option but to get out of bed
and get downstairs. She remembered Kalima mentioning that he was with Mukuka and she was
surprised that neither her mother mentioned her being with the brother nor did she come up as
she always would.

Pezo was only getting downstairs after 30minutes- still looking a little stressed and dressed in
simple jeans and a denim top over a white body top. But she still looked good nevertheless.

Kalima was seated with Mr. Chinyama but at her appearance, he immediately stood up to receive
her. Pezo immediately wondered why all of the sudden he was behaving as though they were
dating but immediately brushed the thought away knowing so well how the two families were close
enough to even dare do that. But at that moment, she hated Kalima so much for disturbing her
sleep. At least somebody must have told him that sleeping was one of her major weakness and
with a holiday- she would easily spend the entire morning in her bedroom unless she had a
commitment to attend to

Kalima: [extending his hand towards her] am so sorry I had to wake you up. I hope you are not

Pezo: [keeping up appearance for her dad’s sake] – oh no… it’s fine really. My apologies if I kept
you waiting for long.

Kalima: Father kept me company. Its fine really

Pezo: [turning to him with a smile] good morning daddy

Mr. Chinyama: it’s actually afternoon child

They all laughed and in no time- Kalima and Pezo were on their way out. They were not even in
the car lot and Pezo was already wondering why the car had to park so far away when they were
already going out

Pezo: I thought you said you were coming here with Mukuka?

Kalima: I was – but she had to go back and only dropped me here

Pezo: [a little shocked] what??
Kalima: why do you seem surprised. That should be topical of my sister right?
Pezo: Not really. I bet there must be something so urgent she needed to attend to?
Kalima: Perhaps. But guess what?
Pezo: what?

Kalima: since it’s just you and me- you have no option but to give me a ride [he smiles]
Pezo for a while never said anything. She couldn’t think straight but just looked at him to try and
understand what exactly he wanted from her. She hated him the more and could not wait to
separate with him.

Pezo: then I will have to get us a chauffeur. I really don’t think I can manage to drive Karl.

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