Episode 42

Mrs. Chomba: I will be with you.
And when they were in the kitchen, Mrs. Chinyama never seemed as active and Mrs Chomba
never missed that aspect
Mrs. Chomba: are you okay? You really don’t seem to –

Mrs. Chinyama: am okay Stella. I just had a long day. You know how it’s like when we go to the
farms- its ever hectic
Mrs. Chomba: then why don’t you sit and allow me to do the meal? I don’t mind as you know that I
spend my days just seating nowadays.
Mrs. Chinyama: that’s okay. We can do this together. Only you get to do much I guess.
They both laughed out after joke.
Mrs. Chinyama: How are the children? I see you moved with none of them tonight.
Mrs Chomba: yes. They are fine. Except (struggling withing hersel) though
Mrs. Chinyama: Though what dear
Mrs. Chomba: I can’t help but worry for Kalima bana Pezo. Its actually so clear that without Pezo,
nothing much makes sense for him. Its just as well he has to be in a busy place everytime and so
life goes on nevertheless.

Mrs. Chinyama knew were the story was headed to and she tried not to make it such an issue as
she brushed it off.
Mrs. Chinyama: give it time Stella. He just got back in the country after so many years. Obviously
you won’t expect him to already fit in so easily Mrs. Chomba: have you forgotten so easily how he almost did with Pezo by his side? I just hope
you have not forgotten our agreement Womba. I hope you are keeping my daughter in law well for
her to remain as beautiful and innocent.
Mrs. Chinyama: well need I remind you that we are dealing with two adults whom we can not
manage to control their life’s at the end of it all?
Mrs. Chomba: I know and understand you clearly my dear. But we are similarly dealing with our
children. I don’t have a problem because Kalima is already in love with our daughter and the
burden is on you to convince Pezo that Kalima is the best man for her. Can’t you see Womba- that
is the only way we can keep wealth within ourselves.

Mrs. Chinyama: (holding her head as though failing to contain it all) I don’t know Stella. Its
unfortunate that Kalima went ahead of our plan and ruined it. And the confusion with Mukuka?

Mrs. Chomba: We already discussed this Womba. Its okay for them fight but remember it was
agreed we just give them. Unexpect results and problems are part of life. Let’s have hope.

Mrs. Chinyama: alright. But am not promising anything.

Mrs. Chomba: why don’t you send Pezo over… we can actually go with her tonight if you don’t
mind. I am sure we can achieve so much if the two are close by
Mrs. Chinyama; No Stella. With what transpired, I doubt Pezo would be comfortable staying at
your house… even if it’s meant for anything else
Mrs. Chomba: speaking of which… I haven’t seen her. She around?

Mrs. Chinyama: she – went out with some friends. One of them is celebrating their birthday.

Mrs. Chomba: (not liking it) I see. – who did she go with.

Mrs. Chinyama: Alone. She went alone Stella. (Brushing off the subject) Please pass me the
tumeric will you?
Mrs. Chomba: it’s strange. I have never known her for going out partying without any one of us
Mrs Chinyama ignored her as she just recalled how her own daughter disrespected her that
evening. She only prayed Pezo would not do the worst by appearing so late that evening.
It was a long dinner. All Mrs. Chinyama needed was for the chombas to leave. But they never
seemed any close to that. It was almost midnight and none seemed to be talking about leaving.

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