Episode 1
Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1
It is the first day of june 2017.
Leaning towards the glass slide of my window,
I could see the wet grasses inside the compound.
The rain that fell last night has wet the short grasses beside my father compound making everywhere wet and cool.
Honestly speaking, I like getting out of the bed in the morning with cool breeze brushing towards me.
You know that kind of feeling.
The feeling that you won’t experience any heat throughout the day. It’s soooo refreshing.
I quickly arranged my bedspread before moving to the sitting room.
I had this feeling of fulfillment because of the call I made last night.
Finally, I am going to meet my fiancee family this morning. I wont be among the single fol*ks again. The constant nagging of my parents will reduce gradually.
I am fulfilled!!!
I hummed a song before getting to the sitting room and met the old man reading his newspaper with his glasses on.
“Good morning Dad”
He looked up from his newspaper and dropped the paper on the table before responding.
“Morning my single daughter, I hope you know that you have a limited time in this house, which limited time am I even talking about….you don’t have any more time in this house. What is your age once again?” He asked with a serious look
“I am thirty years old sir”.
“Thirty years old! The old man exclaimed with a bulging eyes.
“Yes dad”. I replied.
“Which position are you in this house folakemi?”.
“I am the first daughter”.
“You are the first daughter and your younger sister is married with two kids, even though your younger brother is still studying… find a man my daughter, don’t just stay at home. Go outside and get a good man”.
“Dad, I am meeting my fiancee family today”
“That sound like a good news. Adebayo has decided to be serious with you”.
“Yes daddy”.
“Alright, do whatever you want to do in the house and start going… prepare my pap first before cooking. I don’t know the time and date that your mother will be back from her village”.
I hurried off to the kitchen to get everything ready before moving to the bathroom to have my bath.
I scrubbed every part of my body, I wanted to be clean. I don’t want them to see any flaws in my skin. I lasted for thirty minutes in the bathroom before wrapping the towel around my body. I quickly rushed off to my room.
After creaming my body, I walked up to the wardrobe and removed my blue gown. It is a new set of gown that I got from my last visit to the market. It is beautiful and long. I had saved it up for such occasion.
I searched my wardrobe for the silk scarf I had before. It is one of the best scarf I have ever had.
I placed it on the table and quickly dressed up, I applied few make up and tie my scarf in a cornrow style.
Satisfied with my look. I walked out of the compound.
My phone ring in an instant.
Checking the dialer, I know who it is. I smiled before pressing the green button.
“Hello baby, my car broke down along the junction of your street, the mechanic is working on it and it will soon be ready, will you wait for me at home or you will meet me there”.
“Don’t worry, I will walk down there, you don’t have the idea of how happy I am today, even if you tell me to walk down to your parents house, I am ready” I replied laughing off on the phone.
“Come off it dear, you have started with your joke. Anyways, I am still there and am waiting for my darrrrliiiing. I can’t wait to see how you look, come quickly dear” he said and blew kisses over the phone before hanging up.
I sighed and dropped my phone inside the black bag that I carried before stopping a bike.
The bike man dropped me off in the junction and I walked down to the lovely pairs of eyes starring at my figure from the other side.
His gaze doesn’t leave my sight as I stand in front of him.
“Wow! I have the most beautiful woman as my wife to be! He exclaimed checking me out.
“Do we have any special occasion today?” He asked with a big smile on his face.
“Yeah! Your parents house is the special occasion”.
“Sir, I am done with the car” the mechanic interrupted.
He turned around to give him his bill while I opened the car door. He jumped into the driver seat and stare into my eyes.
“Folakemi! We are going to my parents house now…but, they are not the only person living alone. They live with my younger siblings and two of my father’s younger brother. I will tell you the full story when we are back, just be in your calm position. You will enjoy your stay” he said while I nod my head before starting off the car.
He drive for twenty minutes before arriving in the front of a big building.
I Alighted from the car… looking forward to meet my husband family….
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