Episode 59

Anita POV

Later that night, i couldn’t go back home due to the pain i was really feeling pain within me, so Tony had helped me call Mrs Linda to explain things to her and told her i will be coming down tomorrow. Some hours later, I noticed that the pain had relieved me so i went to the restroom to wash my face, I came back to see Tony you’re up he said, I nodded my head, you should be hungry now he said as he went to the kitchen to get me some foods, just immediately he left then the door opened, a girl had pushed in the door, she was wearing a face mask on her face, despite the face mask she still looks familiar to me but where, who the hell is this person i said to myself, i was still thinking about it when it vividly clear to me, Sandra I said, I noticed her reaction, yeah I’m right she was truly the one, immediately she pointed the gun at me, Gboahhh she shooted the gun at me, i thought i was dead that minutes not until I saw Stanley on top of me, he must have saved me by getting the gun for himself, Stanley i said as i pushed him up, I looked at him to sense his body, the gun had caught him on his back at his right arm. I was still observing him when i looked at her the shooter, it’s Sandra for real, why did you have to kill me I said to her, you b—h, don’t tell me you’re f—–g jealous of me, now if you kill him what will have been your gain i said, we’re still on this, when a guy run rushed inside the room too, he was putting on a face mask too, it’s then i now understand that we’re in danger, at first i thought she only came alone but right now that i saw the other person means they came on a purpose, who knows how many they’re i said in my mind, I think the guy noticed Stanley bleeding, he quickly corrected her, we’re not here to kill anyone i heard him said to her, who the hell are this two and what do they want from us, i said in my mind, though i couldn’t raise my head because i was scared of the two, stand up i heard him said as he instructed me to go downstairs, I gently stood up as i followed Sandra who had lead me to the sitting room.

Stanley POV


When i got to the scene, I saw Stanley bleeding, Sandra has shoot him at his back but i know it really will look weird for me to give him any hospitality that i could render, and from instincts, guess the lady was the girl she must have went on a date with, the lady he told me about, though she was not looking up anyway so i couldn’t recognize her face but i knew i need to do something fast because Tony is bleeding. Stand up i ordered her as a i told her to follow Sandra, she gently stood up and followed her. After i instructed the lady to go downstairs i quickly rushed to meet Tony who was feeling pain within him, though i knew it’s very dangerous for me let him know who I’m thank goodness that he was now getting himself, i instructed him to go downstairs too. which we both went together, we got downstair to see Afeez and Abdul, the lady was asked to lay down and face the ground, I think Tony noticed so he beg not to kill her, seriously i felt for him, i can’t believe that Tony just practice what we called true love by take the gun for her and even still pleading that we shouldn’t kill her. After Afeez had instructed him to lay down too, then we asked the two for money, Tony told him that they got no money in the house, but Afeez got frustrated, all i was just praying is for him not to shot, how about the safe room in the house he said, we didn’t have any safe room i heard Tony replied him, then Afeez ordered the lady to stand up, then she stood up as she was ordered, she pointed the gun at her, i will kill her right now if you don’t tell me where the room is he said, I looked at Tony for a while before he later accept to show him the room so he instructed me to follow him to the room which i did we both went to the room. It was lighted with a red bulb light, so it looks dull, i saw the bag it was a Ghana must go bag, full with money, i quickly picked it up as we both went back to meet others in the sitting room, we should go now i said, then Sandra told Afeez that the girl had noticed her and we should kill her, notice you how, i managed to asked, she called my name she replied. Then Afeez ordered her to stand up, this time he turn on his touch light on her face which makes it to be more preview, i couldn’t believe what i swear, I’m i dreaming or what, this is Anita, i cleaned my face to look at her very well, seriously this is my sister Anita, Anita i called, then she looked at me, yeah she was really the one. I can’t believe my sister is here in Lagos, stop we can’t kill her i said, why i heard Afeez asked me, because she’s my sister i whispered to him, but he insisted that we can’t let her leave since she was able to recognize one of us and you know how dangerous this is going to cause us he said, are you mad or something, I said she’s my sister i screamed, this time my voice was been heard by everyone in the room, I don’t care, why’s she here she shouted back at me, we’re still on this when we heard a horn, guess someone is coming in, Afeez went to check from the window. his dad is here, he said, we need to move now i said, but we can’t let her go like this she’s going to help the police with their investigation he said, Afeez i beg you, please let us go, no he said not even now that she knew you’re his brother , it’s very risky, i can’t be so foolish as you he said, I saw him crack the gun, but i pointed my gun at him, please don’t let me kill you right now, you know how stress i went through just to find my sisters i said to him but i think he wasn’t going to listen and i also won’t hesitate to shot him if he tries anything funny here, we’re still on this when i heard a gun from outside, then i saw Sandra fell down, one of the Army had shot her on her chest , so she fell down and die, Afeez quick pointed the gun towards the direction as he kept shooting the gun, the sound of guns was been heard both here and there, all i just wanted to do is to protect my own sister, I quickly grabbed her hands as we kept moving outside the house, but i think i got it wrong.

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