Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 17

“Rich boy…i have a problem here..actually, i’m all set to ruining you but theres a delay – the one last chip containing e’thing i need wich of course is with kate and she has refused to give it up claiming she was gonna make up for whatever she’s caused you”

My heart sank immediately and my action towards her the previous day began to hurt me. If only i had calmed down she wouldnt be in this mess.

I looked at Tony for anything and he dropped his eyes shaking his head negative. I had lost it!

“Okay” i brought the mobile up again “let her go and she would give you the chip containing the last infos and analysis…then you can come and have me”

What am i doing?…giving up my life for kate?

Tony looked at me with a dissaproving eye but its too late.

“oh well” shadows voice came up again “i would so much love to but i run my package in a different way – once you flop, there is no forgiveness because its a sin. I will kill her and you too anyway so you tell her to give it up nicely”

I was hit terribly, as in, i felt powerless against this man.

I racked my brain for anything but nothing came.

I was lost in my thoughts when he spoke again.

“your times up bro. And dont come for her coz if you do, i will know and you might not even be able too coz you’ll be dead anytime from now”

And with that, the line went dead.

I sighed deeply with my head boiling hot.

My fear has turned into anger now. Tony didnt speak all the while, he just sat looking at me with a sad eye.

We stared at eachother for few seconds when the sound of a barking dog came up again. Quickly, i moved back to the monitor screen.

“Tony, i think i know this guy”

“yes, you were saying”

I stood up to get sparrow’s electric buzzer remote control fitted to his vest and when i buzzed him, he ran up all the way from the gate to my room panting.

Immediately, he came in, i bent down to remove the button attached to the rope i wore on his neck some days back.

“Now tony, zoom this thing really big”

Tony zoomed in well and i had a very clear view.

“move it a bit to his chest”

And Bingo! Its the guy whoose shirt was torn by sparrow leaving his button and a small piece of cloth in his mouth.

This jeered me up and i saw a light at the end of the tunnel as i narrated things to Tony who was very much surprised.

“He cant be alone ….that i know”

Tony reasoned.

“well, you go up to the roof to scan while i take care of the pizza boy”

With things arranged, Tony swung into action and when i was ready, i opened the gate from my room and i headed down….

I moved quietly between the halls while my dog trailed behind and when i got to the living room, i got in just in time to see him just entering the compund.

I moved out too and i stalked him for a moment watching his actions.

Obviously, i cant take this guy on – looking at his moves, one would know hes an expert so i decided on a diversion.

Slowly, i moved out into the yard with the man turning his back on me.


Very quickly, he turned to face me and in one quick movement he tore the pizza box he was carrying to reveal a gun.

Quickly, i threw my hands up in the air. You know the deal – ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN – B.. He pointed the gun at me and told me to go down on my knees which i did..He brought the gun down to my head and then he spoke to his collar.

“I have the package already…..yeah, hes alone…


I think hes got his orders. He curked his gun and as he was about pulling the trigger, i docked to a big vase nearby as the shot hit my previous position.

He wasted no time in coming at me shooting non stop at the vase till it broke.

I rolled away to a big pillar standing straight and i tried to rhyme in with its position.

I heard his shoes hitting the floor quietly – soon, he began firing again whilebi shielded with the pillar. He was very near now and i took a deep breath, counted 3 and with the speed of light i rushed at him greatly hitting the gun off his hand at the same time hitting him in the face making him lost balance.

Quickly before he could stand up, i rushed at him with a big peices of the broken vase but he was quick to roll away. Now is my plan!.

He straightened his self and began rushing towards me and i tok turned and began running from him towards the house.

I made for the door as he tore widly at me.. I calculated my steps and immediately i took the first second and third stairs, i shouted my dogs name at the same time turning the door knob as i dock-dive into the house.

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