Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 27





Keith’s POV Continues

I l@yon the couch and close my eyes, then

“Come on Keith, why did you burn my clothes ”Faye scolded.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know the iron was so h0t” I pleaded.

“Damn you, now the house is on Fire, Fire, Fire”

The “fire” rang in my ears and I woke up immediately.

I coughed out as the house was on Fire, Damn it.

I went over to Faye.

“Faye” I woke her up.

“The house is on Fire” she coughed.

She carried her phone.

“Get out and call 911, hurry”

She left, I went over to the cabinet and re-moved the fire extinguisher, but it didn’t help.

The fire was way too much, it made me to suffocate.

So I ran out.

The Fire fighters c@mÂŁ in no time to extinguish the Fire.

Faye and I went over to a Shade away from the compound.

Who could’ve put the house on Fire

“Keith, you have to see this” Faye handed over her phone to me.

It was a message from Chris

“You managed to escape the burning house, but it isn’t over”

That does it, the police are useless.

I carried my phone and dialed The SSA (The secret spy Agent )

I have to end this rival once and for all.

Faye’s POV

Chris is on the loose, and I think he’s turning mad.

He went so far as to burn down our house.

Glad we’re safe.

“So what will we do now” I asked after he ended his call.

“We’ll stay in the h0tel for the meantime” He said.

Lucky for us, nothing happened to Keith’s car. So we drove to the h0tel and booked a room.

“We’ve been awake throu-gh out the night, we ba-rely sle-pt, have some sleep ” Keith tucked me to sleep.

He’s right, it’s now 2:00am.

Keith’s POV


I walked up and down the room, waiting for the SSA to call.

“Good morning Keith ”

“You’re awake, good morning ” I went to help her get up from the be-d to the chair.

“How are you feeling today?” I asked then she looked at me in a confused state.

“Did you stay awake all night? ” she asked as I carried coffee for her.

“It’s nothing, no big deal ” I told her and she furrowed her eyebrows.

“You have to sleep if you don’t wanna turn insomnia “she scolded.

Then my phone rang, putting a smile on my face, maybe they’ve arrived.

I carried my phone and I frowned when I saw the caller.

“Hello dad” I answered coldly.

“Keith, thank goodness you are alright, your mom and I was so….. ”

“Just, what is it you called to say ” I cut him short.

Anytime I talked to my dad, it reminds me of how he gave the factory to Zeta.

“We saw the news about your home, we feel bad and I want to say you are welcome to stay with us” he said

“I’m fine on my own, I don’t want any favors and I have something at hand to do” I blurted and cut the call.

I breathe in and out, to calm down.

Faye was glaring at me.

“What’s your issue with your dad, huh” she asked crossing her hands.

“Faye st©p this, it’s nothing okay? ” I told her and immediately went into the bathroom.

I took a quic-k bath.

I nee-d a little water on my face too, I haven’t sle-pt all night.

I then wore the robe and c@mÂŁ.

But I didn’t see Faye in the room

“Faye!! Faye!!! ” I called her name as I checked the whole room.

“Faye this is not a joke, where are you? ” I yelled, but I couldn’t find her in the room.

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