Episode 1
In my semi-conscious state I could hear
heavy Noises, which sounded like Gun shots
but I wasn’t bordered cus for me the gift of
sleep was the best gift mankind ever had, so I
continued in my long siesta, the noise
became unbearable as people started
screaming ferociously, it was then I opened
my eyes and to my greatest consternation it
was already dark ,wow I had slept for over
five hours, from the ensuing circumstances I
could Apprehend an unrest, the first thing
that came to my mind was that der was a
clash between vengeful cultist, but at the
other side I could hear incantation by
students ‘We no go gree o, we no go gree’ .
Stepping outside I saw students packing
books, boxes running helter skelter, some
holding Guns others shooting sporadically in
the air, turning cars upside down like they
had acquired some kind of supernatural
power , setting shops and items ablaze, for
some reason I felt I was still sleeping because
it felt like a dream, or better still a scene in a
war movie.
Okay there was a riot in my school that day
(evening ) and I was lucky to make it out
alive from the hostel, but thanks to this
unfortunate event I had an experience of a life
School was subsequently closed for 6 full
months, so I had a lot of free time on my
hands and I had no idea what to use my time
for, I thought of working but my dad wouldn’t
let me, he said I shouldn’t think of making
money so early in life so I wouldn’t be
distracted from studies, I was so bored that I
felt I was a magician after watching so many
videos of Criss Angel but as Criss himself I
had to make my boring predicament
disappear, I thought to myself. So I went to
my dad and gave him reasons why I needed
to travel, and he surprisingly obliged and
before I knew it I was on a flight to Abuja,
where I was to stay with my Aunty, an Aunty
which I had come across only once, she was
the sexiest Aunty I ever saw, Tall, Dark, Busty,
yes she had so much curves that you could
use her to draw a graph, as I said I only met
her once and I was about to meet her again.
I landed in Abuja 25 minutes after I left
calabar, it’s funny how fast a plane can
transport some1. Landing in the Abuja airport
I entered a bus which took me to the Main
airport reception, I was starting to feel
uncomfortable not until I saw her…MISS Clara
was her name and being sxy* was her
game. I saw her from a distance and I started
moving closer towards her, I could feel my
heart beating because I wasn’t sure of what I
would say to her, but before I could ponder
some more she completed the distance
between us and gave me a big hug, the aura
around her was magnificent maybe it was
because of her expensive perfume I don’t
know, her looks, her eyes, her outfit only
dripped with radiance…she was what I would
call ‘fine Girl no pimples’, miss Clara was a
tall lady who stood at about 5 foot 4, she was
light in complexion or what I would call
chocolate, she had lovely brown hair, light
make up on, dark long eye lashes which were
by the way not fixed but natural, I noticed her
aquiline nose which I probably reasoned was
an interplay of Genes from my father’s side,
whose mother was a Lebanese, miss Clara
had this deep red lipstick on, with luscious
lips which made Angelina Jolie look bad, she
was clad in a short red gown, which was a V-
neck, for me it exposed a little too much, as I
cud see here big mammary glands, popping
out for recognition. Looking at her I realised I
knew little or nothing about this young lady
who was probably in her early 30’s but I was
sure I would find out sooner or later. My face
was virtually buried in between her booobs
while the hug lasted, this was because of her
height which was buttressed by her brown
high heel Louis Vuitton shoes, after the hug
she took a brief glance at me, and exclaimed
how fast I had grown considering the last
time she saw me, she held me in the hand as
we proceeded to her 406 Peugeot car, to say
the least I was impressed, but even more
when I arrived at her apartment.
On my way to her house I did get a glaring
view of the city of Abuja, the federal capital
territory, from the plane the city looked like a
village to me, with a lot of dust and untarred
roads, the height must have impaired my
visual abilities because looking at the city
from the car, Abuja looked like a vast
uncompleted building, structures being
constructed everywhere, new roads on the
verge of completion, skyscrapers made up of
all sort of bricks and precious materials,
companies and industries at every nook and
cranny, luxurious cars, sit outs etc. and all
the roads looked to me like a high way
because it was devoid of go slow or any form
of congestion, I also noticed the absence of
obnoxious police and road safety officers
asking for every car particular, license,
insurance, fire extinguisher even a Waec
result…lol… In a nutshell the city was lovely
and if I didn’t know better I would say that all
of the countries resources were deposited in
this place.
So we reached her apartment, she lived in an
area called wuye and, from our conversation
in the car she said she rented the self-
contained with 3 rooms for a whooping sum
of 950 thousand per annum. On entering
Clara’s abode I was greeted by this
scintillating odour in her vast parlour, it was
so pleasant that I had to inquire where the
refreshing smell came from, and she pointed
at some bouquet of flowers, which she said
she bought during her trip to Dubai with her
Boyfriend, boyfriend?! I muttered to myself,
her boyfriend was probably one of this young
oil moguls, or better still a very successful
entrepreneur I muttered some more, anyway
beside me was her 21 inch flat screen tv
hanging on her white wall, it was painted
white and designed with this lovely brown
patches that looked like stars, beneath the tv
was her home theatre with vertical speakers
by the sides to support it, she had this lovely
leather chairs , a Dining table on an elevated
floor behind them, which was made possible
by just a step, and Gorgeous floor tiles which
gave the house an illuminating background,
all this Engulfed in her unbelievably chilled
parlour, Equipped with heavy horse powered
LG air conditioner, still basking in the
splendour of this aesthetic home, Clara
beckoned on me not to worry that she will
Give me a tour of the house later on, but for
now I should follow her to my room where I
would keep my travelling bags and take a
bath to freshen up.
She led me straight to my room and I
followed religiously, I was so caught in the
moment that I almost forgot how beautiful
my host was, this made me wonder which
was more beautiful Herself or the house, Clara
led me to my room, which was equally
impressive, a bed with nice bed covers, an air
conditioner on the wall, a wardrobe and a
rest room which I later discovered, it seemed
like the room had not been occupied before,
because it was very vacant, well it was just
how I liked it, with her soft hands placed on
my chicks and a stare like a woman looking
into her lovers eye she asked me ‘swidy I
hope you like your room’ and I exclaimed
‘who wouldn’t‘ and she gave me a bright
smile, she told me to freshen up because she
was about to do same and meet her in her
room so I can remind her to make me launch,
her room was just opposite mine, the rooms
were situated in a corridor which was an
extension of the parlour, by the way this was
just 2 o’clock in the afternoon. She detached
her hand from my chick, licks her thumb in a
most seductive way and wipes through my
eyelashes in a bid to straighten them…on her
way out she turns her face back to me and
asks if I want to come in to the Jacuzzi with
her, Like a congested Hard disk my brain
found it hard to process her question, when
she saw the troubled look on my face she
smiled mischievously at me and said ‘see you
in a jiffy’ and she headed to her room…, I
stood there clueless, with mixed feelings,
feelings of sexual excitement on one hand
and a craving for un limitless adventure on
the other, but the mere thought of her being
my blood relation extinguished this Nutty
I dropped my bags unpacked a few clothes
and items, took a bath and la!d down on my
bed trying to get acquainted with my new
environment, in the midst of my retrospection,
my phone rang I picked it up and saw a
strange number , on answering it I heard a
female voice, ‘Swidy it’s me Clara, come to
my room, I need your help with something’ I was surprised that she had my number, but
on second thought I reasoned that my dad
must have given it to her, but that aside, what
was paramount on my mind at that moment
was what she wanted my help for, so I stood
up and headed to her door, and knocked
nervously and in less than 5 seconds the door
opened, I couldn’t believe my eyes, I stood
there for a moment completely overwhelmed
with my mouth Agape, staring directly at my
so called Aunty who was now…
Wearing a different outfit, to tell the truth I
thought I would open the door to see a very
Unclad Clara, but instead she had changed
into a white body hug top and a blue jean, I
could see her pink Bra through her top, which
held in place her voluptuous b0s0ms, she
said I should help put her chain around her
neck because she can’t seem to do it herself,
so I took it from her and put the chain
around her, she used her hand to shift her
hair to the side, to give room for me to hook
the chain together, as she waved her hair
aside i was immediately drawn to the
tantalising smell of her hair, it smelt like the
fresh air in the beginning of rainy season, all
this while, I had never really noticed it, her
hair was 100% natural she hadn’t fixed any
attachment, a little longer than the average
Nigerians woman’s hair, smooth and soft at
least that’s how it looked, probably she must
had been treating it with some expensive
cream, I thought, it was brown in colour but
there was nothing to suggest that it was due
for relaxing or perming, I suddenly gained
consciousness when she said ‘are you done?’,
I hurriedly hooked the chain and said yes, she
turned to me, told me to escort her to the car
so that she can drop me off at a fast food
just some miles from the house, so I can buy
myself launch, she told me that she was in a
hurry to meet up with some one, she dropped
me at the place, I ate there and I paid my way
back home, she had a dstv, dvd, and an Ipad
just lying around the house, so I had no
reason to get bored. I played around with this
things till I slept of, if I can recall correctly I
think she came back around 9pm, when she
came back she simply covered me with a
blanket, while I was sleeping on the most
comfy chair in the world, her parlour chair. I
slept like a baby that night.
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