Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 41

The sound of the heart monitor continued to drown out Demarcus and Maria’s conversation, which included them bickering because Demarcus was hungry and Maria didn’t want to leave me. I on the other hand couldn’t eat until Drew woke up, but listening to them argue in muffled breaths was starting to get in my nerves.

I turned, “You know you two can go eat right? We’ll be here when you get back.”

Their attention settled on me, Demarcus’s worried eyes scanning over Drew who was still fast asleep. How she hadn’t woken up from all the noise they were making was beyond me, but I still refused to leave until she did.

Maria shook her head, “He can go by himself, he’s a big boy…”

She was teasing him but I insisted, “Go. I can hear both of your stomachs growling like you haven’t eaten in days.”

They decided to stop protesting and go get breakfast downstairs, which was more of a relief for me than them. When I had called them last night thy had both rushed over here, getting news of Drew’s condition and not wanting to leave until they at least saw her. She was put in a room of course, to stay over night and be monitored. I had stayed as well, refusing to leave he room in case she needed me for anything.

I watched Drew breathe deeply, her eyes calmly shut as her chest rose and fell. She had been taken into surgery last night, the doctors claiming that Evan had most likely damaged her joints and muscles inside the shoulder that had been shot. I didn’t know exactly what that meant but I was praying that when she woke up everything would work alright.

Not only had I been completely worried sick over Drew while she was in her surgery but I also had been confronted by the police. I told them everything, word for word to make sure that there was nothing that would get Drew or me in trouble. They had left me within a few hours after, just in time for me to see Drew after her surgery. Although she had been asleep and I couldn’t talk to her.

Last night had been the absolute worst night of my life, and I was still shocked that we had made it out alive. I had a feeling we would both have nightmares for a long time concerning this, and the struggle was far from over even though Evan was finally gone.

Evan was dead, and knowing that he wouldn’t be able to hurt Drew again finally allowed me to breathe easier.

Of course the circumstances were hard, and I pitied the way he had gone about things, but there was nothing I could do. He had brought this upon himself, and all Drew tried to do was coax him down from his mental breakdown. It didn’t work, and that inevitably led to his death.

Then I heard Drew stirring in her bed, my heart fluttering at the sight of her finally waking up. I watched those eyes flutter open, immediately scanning the room and looking for someone’s presence.

When she saw me she relaxed, taking a deep breath.

I smiled, moving closer to her, “Hey, how do you feel?”

She swallowed as she came too, blinking away the sleep in her eyes. I listened to her muffled response, “I feel like my arms on fire… But other than that, great.”

She gave me a weak smile, and I knew she would probably have to stay another night. She had lost a lot of blood last night, and I’m sure the doctors wanted to make sure she was close to one-hundred percent before they let her walk out.

I grabbed one of her hands, lacing my fingers in them as I answered, “Do you want your painkillers? I can call the nurse…”

She shook her head, “They’ll just put me to sleep, and I want to talk to you.”

I felt my face flush with color, realizing this was the most we had talked in over a week. Why had it taken Evan threatening our lives for us to see? Why did it matter anyway? We were here, together, alive and okay and I couldn’t be more grateful.

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