Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8



Uncle Raymond was really having fun.

He stood up as he wasn’t sensing any motion.

“Dupe,Dupe” he called but she wasn’t responding

“Heeeeeen” he put his hands up in the air.

 He put his ear on her chest to feel her heart beat
.. “Iam finished, she is not breathing..” he cried

. He quickly took her to the bathroom,wash off the mess.He creamed her and looked for something and cover her with it.

He attempted taking her to the hospital but later discarded the idea as he may have many questions to answer both in the hospital and from his wife when she comes back.

”””” “**” ‘”” he laid her on the bed and be monitoring her. He sprang water on her.

 “Hmm” Dupe motioned after 30minites of his fervent prayer

“Modupe, thank God you are here” he said coming closer to her

Hot tears streamed her eyes.

She was regretting why she is back to life.

“Lord why do you bring me back to this wicked world? Why didn’t I just die? Death is just carrying people that are cherished, loved, honour and have reason to live but is leaving people that are rejected, worthless, valueless and hopeless like me.

*””;:’”” ”: “Can God give me one reason I should live?? Why did he have to make me count the sand on the seashore.? “She wept as she opened her eyes helplessly.

“‘:”:;;; she casted a murderous look at the uncle
 She wished she could do something

She laid and covered herself weeping until she slept off.

Aunty Sade came home that day late. She was expecting Dupe to be awake as usual waiting for her, but was shocked when she saw Raymond instead.

. “Kini? Where is Dupe?”,she asked as she stepped into the sitting room.

. “I guess she must be very tired today
 She went to bed early today” he replied gently.

Raymond was just been kind unnecessary.. Sade couldn’t figure out the reason behind this

Early in the morning, Dupe wake up. She was feeling sharp pain all over her body, but there is nothing she could do she just have to go and work
 She managed to clean up herself again.

 “Father I have nothing to say over my life anything you decided to do with me do it

 I don’t know if you are pleased seeing me passing through all these and you refused to say anything. ” She prayed as looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her rough hair that she couldn’t remember when last she made self speak of who she is.

.. She thought of going to the village
 But to who???

Mr Alabi her daddy’s friend?????? But the man have alot to take care of.. after all he is just her dad’s friend

“Nononono, Modupe Tayo


You are just meant to suffer till you die
 Only God knows how my death will come now, may be I will be fry or be roasted I don’t know. Because there is no kind of suffering I didn’t go through in this life” Dupe was talking alone like a mad person..

” Dupe, at 16. You have seen life in different shapes, sizes and colors kaiiiiiii

Oluwa Mii gbemi, Oluuuuuuuwwwwaaaaaa Gbemi oooooo, come to my rescue” she cried

Before she could realized it, it was 5:50am the children”s school bus will soon come and she didn’t do anything. She put herself together and head to the kitchen..

Few months after the incident, Dupe started feeling dizzy, vomiting and having morning fever.


. She don’t know what was wrong with her

Thank goodness aunty Sade is not always around so she didn’t notice those, symptoms

One month after her vomiting , dizziness and morning fever, Dupe’s breast began to increase in size and she was just loosing appetite..

One Saturday like that, Aunty Sade was around and busy in the kitchen with Dupe,

“Pooooooowwwwww” Dupe threw up in the kitchen

” Oluwa e’seun ooooo it has happened!!!! Dupe you are pregnant” Aunty Sade just declared without shaking

..” Rara, aunty oooo, iam not pregnant” she defended

” “” Piammm” another hard massage landed on her face.

“How can you argue with me??

Under my roof? In my very before? Modupe Tayo Isaac Gbenga, you’re pregnant? ” Aunty Sade called Dupe to her ancestral names..

..” This is seriously serious” Dupe thought as she stood like a ghost. She remembered the worst night she had some months back.

.. “Oya, oya, oya oooo” to the LAB direct you are going for a standard test. And if you’re pregnant as IAM seeing like this. 
. Just consider yourself dead or you pack to any safe place you know’ Aunty threatened as they head for the test with Dupe’s heart beat at the fastest rate.



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