Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 05
so I saw auntie Judy in the palour watching zee world, I came down naked cause it was time for me to sex parade hmm
as we were kissing and she was massaging my Dick (we were both naked) the sprang open.
DAD* baby I forgot my phone…….
I guess no long story that was how we were caught by my dad
waow I can’t believe you guys are doing this my son and my wife having sex no no somebody should wake me up.
immediately I tried to apologise he gave me a heavy blow that left me bleeding. that when I new am done with…..
my dad ran out immediately with his phone we never new were he was going but we knew if he comes back that we are going to be dead
I was in the parlor thinking how 20yrs old boy like me is gonna die because of sex
as I was crying I saw auntie Judy parking her belongings out
ME*auntie Judy are you leaving me here.
JUDY* wait oo I look like your papa abeg no make me vex oo shey u been dey enjoy am so this is the bitter part of sex with your father’s wife.
ME*auntie Judy please can you take me with you….?
JUDY* no am not and am no longer your auntie
as she was about going she gave me her last kiss which was a long one .
immediately she left I thought I had no option than to commit suicide.
Question time
who is the cause of this tragedy on Joseph’s family is it Judy or Joseph himself…….?
2)what did you learn……?
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