Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 27

Client: I just spoke to that guy. Your former bodyguard.

Idowu: Wait, what do you mean?

Client: Your phone has been switched off, so I have been communicating with your former bodyguard.

Idowu: You actually mean, you’ve been talking to Gbenga?

Client: Uhm’, I don’t know if that’s his name but yeah, the guy I used to see you with.

The officer with James couldn’t hold back himself from talking.

Officer: is Gbenga here?

He directed the question to Idowu.

Idowu asked him who the question was being directed to. They had just come out of the cell together. Why would he question him about Idowu.

Idowu: I think, you should ask him.

He referred him to the client.

Client: I don’t know, if he’s here. All I know is, I talked to him few minutes ago.

Officer: That means, he knows you’re here.

Idowu: I swear, I had nothing to do with this.

Client: Is there a problem?

Officer: No, not at all. I just need to step out for a moment. Go on.

Client: Good. I need this done quickly. I have other things to do.

The officer started walking out of the club. He knew his movement would alert the inspector and he would follow him outside. Which was exactly what happened.

The guy who called Gbenga to inform him of the stranger with Idowu, had seen the stranger going outside.

Earlier, he told Gbenga, that he was certain, it wasn’t James but, Gbenga didn’t listen. Gbenga didn’t believe that Idowu would hire someone else, considering how greedy he was and it had to be James because, his bodyguard’s description fitted James’.

The inspector noticed the officer’s movement. It was not part of the plan. He followed him immediately.

It wasn’t difficult to find him as the officer stood in front of the club, also waiting for the inspector.

Inspector: Why are you outside?

Officer: I just got knees that Gbenga is around. I wanted to beep you but, that would make you think, it was time to act.

Inspector: Wait, Gbenga is around? How is that possible? Idowu must have a hand in this…

Officer: No, I don’t think so. From the client and Idowu’s conversation, I think, Idowu is ignorant about it. Personally, I think, Idowu wasn’t lying when he told you about Gbenga taking over from him.

Inspector: On second thought, you’re right.

Officer: I’m pretty sure, Gbenga is somewhere around. I’m we need to apprehend him tonight, if not, it’d be difficult tomorrow.

Inspector: Okay, if it’s what I’m thinking, he’s here to collect the cash from Idowu and kill him and, I know, he has guys around. If we try to arrest that client in the club, they would suspect.

Officer: We also can’t let the client leave the club.

Inspector: We wouldn’t. Go in there, call Idowu outside, tell him, I said, you would complete the transaction. That would leave you in full sight of the client then, I would be with Idowu. I’m so sure, that Gbenga would come after him.

Idowu had already seen one of the guys that used to work for him in the club, he was very sure that Gbenga was around. Fear gripped him. He was making silly dodgy moves, in case, they tried to shoot him. The inspector was not in sight. The officer beside him wasn’t there. It wasn’t funny, he had lines of sweat on his forehead. His brows were sweaty. He was spluttering and the client was getting pissed off.

He nearly screamed “hallelujah”, when he saw the officer walking towards him.

Idowu: Where have you been?

The officer got close enough to talk to him. Close enough to prevent the client from hearing their conversation.

Officer: Stand up, go to the car. You’ll meet the inspector. He’ll tell you what to do.

Idowu spoke as calmly as he could.

Idowu: why?

The client noticed their silent exchange of words.

Client: Is there a problem?

Officer: Uh, no. Idowu has to go out for a while, then, we would continue the transaction.

Client: But, we are done. The drugs and money has been exchanged.

Officer: Which is why he has to go outside, he needs to see that you’d be safe before leaving because his former bodyguard is around.

Client: I have my bodyguards.

Officer: Not as much as Gbenga’s. This is his territory. So, just wait here with me, while Idowu goes out to check if there would be a problem.

Idowu reluctantly got up with the money and left the club.

As soon as, Idowu left the club. Gbenga’s guys followed him out. They saw the client and the officer in the club but, it didn’t matter to them. It was the money and Idowu they were after. Gbenga was given a phonecall about Idowu’s movement.

The client had two guards besides him. They were the only two people he brought. He never thought, the police would be involved. Unfortunately for him, besides the officer with him, there were four armed officers in the club. He was outnumbered.

Idowu noticed, he was been followed as he approached. The more he walked, the louder, they became. He refused to look back. He heard the sarcastic laughter of a familiar voice. The voice, which he knew was Gbenga’s. He got closer to the car and saw the inspector at the drivers seat, he felt a little safe and hoped the inspector wasn’t the only one in the car. Idowu didn’t see the other officers at the back seat as it was really dark. Besides, they were in hiding.

He had almost opened the door when, he heard his name. He turned around slowly. There they were, the numbers he was expecting. Thirteen hefty guys including Gbenga.

They stood at a distance from each other.

Gbenga: Well well, Idowu, did you really think, you could escape?

Idowu: Actually, no, I didn’t. To be honest, I didn’t know, you would be here.

Gbenga: Whatever. Just hand over the money and I promise to do you the honor of killing you myself.

Idowu: The money? Fine.

Gbenga: I see, you got a new car and a new driver.

Gbenga looked at the inspector’s car, thinking it was Idowu’s and the inspector, which he thought was Idowu’s driver.

Gbenga: Tell your driver to come down.

Idowu looked at the inspector with fear in his eyes. That was the only signal the inspector needed. He opened the door and didn’t hesitate to start shooting. The other officers joined the inspector too.

Gbenga and the guys with him were also astonished. Though, they had their guns, they weren’t prepared for a open confrontation with the police. People around the street had fled in fear, immediately they heard gunshots.

By the time, Gbenga’s guys nbrought out their guns from the little pockets attached to their belts, they had become few. Six of them had been hit by bullets.

Gbenga knew, it was over. He was going to jail. He watched Idowu trying to go into the car. He brought out his gun and aimed at him. The bullet fired from his gun, hit Idowu’s hand, causing him to fall and scream in pain. He tried to shoot again, when an officer shot his arm.

The inspector shot without mercy. There was no need to tell people like Gbenga to surrender, they would never do that, except, maybe near death situations.

Gbenga looked behind him, all his men were down, just two of them were alive but, they were injured from gun shot wounds. He fell to the ground on his knees, due to the pain from the gunshot.

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