Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1
It’s been a while I set my eyes on her.
Not even a while, what am I saying? It’s
been four solid years now! We just lost
contact when we were coming from the
city of Lagos and attacked by armed
robbers who took my vehicle away.
Unluckily for me, my love was in the car
and wasn’t allowed to come down with
For that four years, I have searched
even holes of crabs if she was there. She
was the love of my life and everything I
had. As much as I love my mother,
there’s just a little difference between
my love for her and that. And, I didn’t
know her parents, siblings, none of her
family members. But we really loved each
I never knew I would exist without
her, until she was taken away from me.
And to my surprise, I’m still alive today.
Honestly, I thought it was my end at the
end of the first week that she wasn’t
found. I cried my eyes out that even my
parents chided me that I would just kill
myself if I didn’t take it off my heart. But,
honestly, it wasn’t an easy thing.
A week developed into two, and into a
month, from a month to twelve and now
fourty-eight months now. When my
parents saw that I was becoming
useless, old enough to marry without a
wife, they brought Nora to me.
Honestly I never knew there was still
someone more beautiful than my Gloria.
Gloria had been lost for four years but
the unfading beauty she had never
faded off my heart. My heart gladdened
on seeing Nora. She was just the
epitome of beauty.
I was shocked when I saw her
beautiful set of teeth, hers was even
whiter than snow. She was tall, elegant
and more than rich in glamour. I never
knew I would fall in love until I started
falling the well dug for me- the love.
Even though I had started liking Nora,
I never fogot Gloria. My parents didn’t
know Gloria though, but when I
explained my issue to them, they knew I
lost a gem. One thing of great surprise
was that Gloria and Nora had the same
I loved that.
I never told Nora about Gloria, but
even though I have started loving her
too, I couldn’t flow well with her. I can’t
place my hands on the actual reason
behind that! I don’t know if I even love
her sef. Is that love or what? Or shey
that is what they call infatuation? I no
know jare.
Maybe it her her beauty, redolence
and personality that made me like her.
But, see, I don’t even know!
Me who is telling you all these, I never
know say the same thing wey happen to
me don happen to Nora too before oh.
Honestly I never knew Nora had fallen
in love it Alex before. It was one day that
both were inside the house, gisting
when some armed robbers came and
shot Alex. The news was that Alex had
died but no one knew he never died.
Not knowing Alex’s parents who were
stinkly rich had flown him abroad for
better treatment. He wasn’t allowed to
leave America for years and so, lost
contact with Nora too.
You now see say I don enter trouble?
Real one! Nora never forgot Alex too.
She was just trying to be herself anytime
she was with me.
But Alex and I had and even have
different redolences. If not, she might
have loved me more than how she does.
You see something, I never forgot Gloria,
she never forgot Alex!
Hmmn… Okay oh. The saddest thing is
that Alex returned back from America
last year and had also fallen in love with
Gloria. My own love is now in love with
Nora’s love. Big trouble!
The big problem started suddenly
when it was a day to the wedding of
Nora and I. We haven’t gotten each
other well, but we thought we would
make it up and forget the ones we loved
before. Though, she never knew about
Gloria and I didn’t know about Alex.
I thought I should act according to my
best friend’s advice, by getting her a
golden necklace as a gift before
wedding. I decided to take her out and
parked at the front of Esmak Plaza to get
the surprise for her.
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