Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 4
Nora turned the gas cooker off. She
didn’t know if well or bad she was
doing, but she felt she had taken the
right decision. Daniel had been taciturn
to her, just doing his things his way,
why should she try to go on well with
him too? She didn’t like how the two of
them kept laughing a kind of laughter
that wasn’t down to the heart on the
wedding day. She felt Daniel had
probably met the lady he had dated
before and wouldn’t want her again, so,
trying to move away from him might
solve the case in a way.
She rested against the solid maple
cabinets. It was a big and beautiful
kitchen with halogen flash mounts and
track light that produced an excellent
lighting in the kitchen. She walked to the
microwave and stood near it. There was
a Kenmore smooth surface range with
oversize oven window, also an
osterilizer blender stood beside the
microwave and behind her was a
dishwasher and a double bowl ceramic
sink with disposal. It was a very
beautiful kitchen Daniel ensured she
She felt Daniel didn’t like her again,
even though she hugged Alex, she
didn’t expect him to retailiate too. He
just tried to pay her back in her own
coin, she had thought as she snorted.
She had been trying to put her hopes
up, thinking the relationship wouldn’t
continue that way. She had no courage
to speak to him because she felt he was
angry, Daniel on ther hand was
disappointed in her, he also felt she
would feel the same to way to him. So,
how would he go before her and make
an utterance?
Alex rolled on the mattress as he took
a glimpse at the wall clock that was
tickling softly. He felt it was moving
faster than expected as he picked up his
phone. He stared at his wallpaper for a
moment and dropped the phone again.
He had forgotten about Nora already,
why did she come to cast a shadow
again? His days in America had been so
boring and sad because Nora was not
there. Seeing Gloria’s image as his
wallpaper made him remember the day
he crossed his mind to forget Nora
Did he even forget her completely? As
he had always said, there is something
spectacular about one’s first love. It had
been very tough, if not, why didn’t he
hold himself back at the sight of Nora?
He remembered how he pulled Gloria
by the hand into his vehicle so they
could leave the plaza so that they
wouldn’t complicate the issue even
more. He was a Christian but a non-
practicing one. He had never believed in
the existence of a God, not even a god
too. He liked being himself and that was
one major thing that did cause trouble
between him and Gloria.
Gloria was a chorister in her church
and had always encouraged him to
come to church with her, but he
wouldn’t listen. He had never
remembered Nora ever telling him about
Christ Jesus. He felt Gloria was becoming
a burden when it was time to proof
one’s religious life and belief.
He never for once stopped by in
church, he really hated it. He believed
there was no God, no eternity, sins are
just ways by which we make living, sins
are normal things needed to be done.
He left with Gloria on Friday and both
never discussed till he got to the front of
her house and parked. The first thing
that came out of his mouth was to ask
who Daniel was.
Gloria never minded him, she just
curved her lips into a smile. “A long lost
He was indignant. That was Gloria that
had always told him about Christ, in sin!
“Don’t you know it’s a sin to hug a guy
who’s not your lover?”
Gloria who didn’t know what precisely
to say so she could get herself outta
Alex’s blame just cleared her throat and
glanced at him. “It’s not in the Bible.”
Alex just laughed. That had been
baffling him. She told him no such thing
was in the Bible and came down form
his vehicle, walking away. Who now
created God! He thought within himself
with a sneer and drove away. At least, he
knew no one created God, muslims who
also believe in Allah, he needed to know
who created Allah for him to believe
Allah created him. In fact, he wished to
know who created the gods so that he
could believe that the gods actually exist.
Scam! He would think and hiss.
A knock at door made him know he
had gone far in his pipe dream and
raised his head. It was past eight in the
morning and he hadn’t spoken with
Gloria since he dropped her off. He just
stared at her picture as his wallpaper
and had been thinking since then.
He walked to the living room to know
who was there. Opening the door, he
took a gaze at the fellow, it was Gloria.
The living room was though small but
was full. It was beautiful and was well
decorated with vases, decoys, moose
and bear figures. He had no Christian
tapestries in the house, a Sony tape
deck, AIWA portable stero and a pine
coffe table that stood in a side of the
living room. The sofas were brown, big
and beautiful with mathing lamps on
either side of each sofa. “Welcome in
here.” Alex said as he opened the door
and walked to a sofa to pick his seat.
“Alex, you couldn’t call.” Gloria walked
in behind her.
“Why would I call? At least you told me
it is not a sin to hug another guy, why
are you here, then?”
“I’m going on to church but just
stopped by to ask you few questions.”
Alex looked at her. “I hope this is not
a way to preach sermons to me? I’m not
ready for all that today.” He dismissed
her with a wave of hand.
“Absolutely no. I came to ask you who
the lady you hugged is.” She said.
Alex laughed. “I won’t tell you until
you tell me who the guy you hugged is.”
“Alright, I know you. He is a friend of
mine, a long lost one.” She replied.
“Exactly! She’s also a long lost friend,
Gloria.” He laughed.
“I knew it! You know we’re getting
married in some weeks time, Alex, tell
me whatever it is that you feel for me.”
Alex chuckled. “What’s this princess
saying all of a sudden? I’m a gentle guy,
you know that.”
“I don’t know that! You hugged that
lady, didn’t you?”
“You also hugged that guy, have you
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